- a sip of caffeine -

Beginne am Anfang

The old woman tripped on herself, almost falling over if not for her husband catching her. She groaned, looking at Mercy who had fallen on one knee.

"Sweetie, are you alright?" She bent down to help Mercy up. The young girl gave a shy smile and nodded her head. When the two were standing the old woman gave a sweet smile. "In a rush huh?"

"Yeah sorry about that..." Mercy brushed her short brown hair back, giving a shy smile. The old woman smiled back, giving a pat on the head before warning her. "Thank you." Mercy waved the couple goodbye, walking in small steps to seem timid.

When the couple was out of sight, Mercy looked at what she had taken from the woman's purse. It was a small bag with coins in it. Opening it, Mercy realized she was more lucky than she thought, it had coins in ones. Looking closer, she realized there were like 40 in the pouch.

That's enough for a drink and smokes. She thought to herself, putting the pouch in her pocket and making her way to a Starbucks.

After grabbing a drink, the girl sipped it as she checked for the nearest smoke shop close to her location. She couldn't find it in walking distance, looking around. She was tempted to call Pierce again, but just as her finger was gonna hit the call, a person called her name.

Felix, with a bright grin on, made his way to her. His hand waving with a few thug looking guys following behind him with the same grins. Mercy couldn't help but roll her eyes, unnoticed by them. She took a few more sips, waiting for the young brother and his "friends" to be near her to speak.

When they were now close enough, Felix gave the woman a joyful smile that could almost pass as real. Mercy saw something behind it, she gave no motion of response. "Are you waiting for Pierce?"

"Is it obvious?" Mercy responded with a smile.

"I mean, when you're bored you always call him."

Mercy gave a sly but knowing smile. "You're good at observing huh."

One of the guys behind Felix that had a shaved head with a scruffy body and clothes barely covering his tattooed body smiled proudly. "Our boss is incredibly smart and observant!"

Another one that looked almost the same but was a bit shorter and had hair pulled back replied. "Exactly! I don't even know why Pierce can't notice it."

Felix's eyes twitch lightly, unnoticed by the men behind him. A man next to him put an arm around his shoulder giving a grin like the rest of the men. "Yeah I mean since he is the most feared man here, you would think he'd be smart enough to see it!"

The comment was followed by laughs from his fellow companies, only Felix dropped silent. The man who said the words looked down at his boss. His face turned pale, a mix of fear rolled onto his face. Pulling away and recoiling into himself, the man pulled away and gave a bow in apology.

Mercy gave a shocked look, seeing how the younger brother looked when someone talked down to Pierce. She couldn't help but feel interested in Felix more. Back when she first met the young boy, she thought of him as a little nerd who followed his elder brother everywhere.

Now. Now something clicked in her brain.

A smile formed on her lips and just then, Felix turned back to her. He gave a small smile of apology. "I'm sorry. They don't know how to shut up sometimes."

"Course." Mercy replied, licking her lips from the coffee that was there. She gave the younger man a look, ignoring the goons who took attention away from the younger man.

He is good. She thought to herself.

A buzzing came from her pocket jeans, she pulled it out only to see Pierce giving a text. She smirked, putting the phone away and turning around.

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