Chapter 17

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A/N: Aurora's POV

"Who the hell are you?" I ask seeing nothing but blackness around and a man standing in front of me.

"My dear you're in a coma, your body itself isn't agreeing with Alison not being a part of you as a whole. Not to mention, it's dealing with the loss and gain of power at once." The man speaks, sounding exactly like the man from Maliveor pit before we shot back in time.

"It appears History can change, with the right kind of power. However we all know, with that kind of power, comes great consequences. Alison and Hope both have changed history, more specifically the amount of power you hold." He adds with a sigh as if my confusion is the most stupids feeling one can fathom.

Like I'm sorry but it takes a toll with that kind of statement, what did he think should be the facial expression?

"Oh dear do I have to spell it out for you. When Hope woke up your Aunt Fraya and killed Delilah Mikaelson, she changed History so the Hollow was released yet somehow still in the same Timeline it was originally released in but still made the same actions it had originally done. However when Alison unlinked the Mikaelson siblings as well as Hope and yourself, then killed both Finn and Ester in a way I dear not speak of, it changed history. Instead of the Hollow being killed, she grew on instinct and combined her magic with yours at the age of seven." This man explains as I look at him completely shocked.

"Meaning the great loss is my mermaid side and I'm powerful beyond Hope, which is significant amount of power." I say realizing what I'm now capable of, which would mean that I would have to let Alison in willingly, to become whole agina.

"My dear, you won't be the first to have it's limits." He says, truthfull.

"So I'm to let her take control for awhile, while she changes the future?" I ask him, he nods his heads.

"However, when you do go back. You'll hear the hollow's voice inside as well, she'll want to talk, given she and you formed a connection. You may grow a deep connection with her. It's better you know. " He adds, as it's my turn to nod.

"Dose that mean my connection with Hope isn't the same?" I ask, fearing the answer.

"No, you're guys connected is the same. You've saved Klaus, Haley and Elijah from death in the future's past, Stefan Salvatore is still hung in the unknown, given the whole Travelers and other things." This guy says whom I still don't know the name of.

"Right, I've got to kill the travelers, Save Enzo for Bonnie, take the cure and kill the Og Elean, Silas and Tom. Perfect." I say suddenly remembering the books I read about this past I'm in with Landon one night. It became one of our bonding times together.

"Indeed. Now you may find news about your og as you say past, be ready to fast them. Now on with ya, before your heart actually stops." He says, leaving me to my thoughts in the darkness. What do I not know about my past?

I sigh out and close my eyes, embracing the new changes to me.

A/n: Alison is now physically Aurora and when Inadu speaks inside Aurora/Alison's mind will be this font well Alison will just be normal, Allison's Outfit is above and Alison POV

I reopened my eyes seeing I'm in a motel room and not wearing the outfit I picked out either only back in my dress from the Ball.

She let me take full control.

Aurora has filled me in on everything. I'm Inadu, otherwise known as The Hollow, short version you changed the future, by combining our magic when Aurora was seven years old in the future past. Meaning we are as one, a Tribrid like Hope only more powerful.  Aurora also has told me we've got some people to kill and save.

I hear inside our mind. Why am I not surprised.

"Alright, nice to meet you Witchy. Now who have we got to kill, I'm itchen for chaos." I say in my mind as I hop off the bed and get re-dressed into something more my taste by using magic. Oh I feel even stronger, I love it.

Mr. Enzo St. Jermaine who's being held captive at whitmore University, the travelers, Og Elean, Silas, Tom as well as Ms Katherine Pierce, I added that one. She's too much well you already know.

"Oh I know self absorbed and a giant pain in the ass. So all past doppelgangers of Elean and Stefan, kill a group of knock off witches, a mad scientist teacher with his hedgeman. No wonder why she let me in, lazy ass making me do all the work. Go figure. " I say in my head as I finish getting ready and look at myself in the mirror with satisfaction.

There are too many necklaces on me, I take off my engagement ring and place it on my wedding finger. I may have no emotions but can't let a perfectly good ring go to waste.

I then walk out of the room and head to whitmore University, now this will be fun.

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you all have a great night/day.


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