JJ sh comfort fic

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Agent Jennifer Jareau, known affectionately as JJ, was a vital part of the Behavioral Analysis Unit's team. Her compassionate nature and keen observation skills made her an invaluable asset. However, the newest and youngest team member, 16-year-old MJ Greyson, presented a mystery that tugged at her heartstrings. MJ was a child prodigy, her intelligence far surpassing her years, but there was a haunting pain in her eyes that JJ could not ignore.

On a flight back from a challenging case, JJ noticed something alarming. MJ was engrossed in her report, her sleeve had inadvertently rolled up, revealing a series of disturbing scars. A wave of concern washed over JJ, compelling her to act.

She made her way across the plane, taking a seat next to MJ. "MJ," she started softly, "Can we talk?"

MJ looked up, surprise flickering across her face. "About what, Agent Jareau?"

JJ took a deep breath, "About your arm, MJ."

MJ's body stiffened, and she quickly pulled her sleeve down. "There's nothing to talk about," she snapped, her voice filled with an uncharacteristic edge.

But JJ was not deterred. "As a part of this team, your well-being is my concern. Now, show me your arm, MJ."

"I don't owe you any explanations," MJ retorted, her voice wavering with barely concealed agitation.

Ignoring her defiance, JJ gently rolled up her sleeve, revealing a horrifying collection of scars and fresh wounds. Her heart clenched at the sight, a mix of sorrow and protectiveness washing over her.

"Why, MJ?" she asked softly, her eyes brimming with concern.

The walls MJ had built around her shattered, and she broke down, revealing the cruel reality of her abusive foster parents she was forced to return to after every case. JJ felt a surge of anger and determination.

"This can't continue, MJ," JJ declared, her voice resolute. "We will do everything in our power to help you."

JJ and her husband, Will, fought tirelessly to get MJ out of her abusive foster home. They faced endless bureaucratic hurdles and pushbacks, but they refused to back down. After weeks of relentless effort, they succeeded. The court granted them full custody of MJ.

Life seemed to settle into a new rhythm. MJ moved in with JJ and Will, and for the first time in her life, she began to feel safe. But the ghosts of her past were not easily exorcised.

One afternoon, while having lunch, Will noticed a spot of blood on MJ's sleeve. His heart dropped, and he realized with a sinking feeling that MJ had relapsed. Swiftly, he took MJ to the hospital, where her wounds were treated.

"We're going to get you the help you need, MJ," JJ promised, her voice filled with resolve. "You're not alone anymore."

JJ and Will arranged for a therapist to help MJ navigate her traumatic past. They stood by her through therapy sessions, sleepless nights, and tearful breakdowns.

Through all the trials and tribulations, JJ and Will stood unwaveringly by MJ. They saw in her a brilliant, resilient young girl who was battling to overcome her past. MJ, in turn, found not just a guardian but a family in JJ and Will.

Together, they navigated the path of healing, forming an unbreakable bond along the way. They were more than just a team, they were family. And family never gives up on each other.

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