"YA pozabochus' ob Anastasii, papa. I ya skazhu yey, chto ty za chudovishche"
"I'll take care of Anastasia, dad. And I'll tell her what kind of monster you are."

My dad is laughing, seeming to think all of this ridiculous.

"Khakhakha... Aleksey, ty znayesh'... Ty vsegda byl izbalovannym mal'chishkoy i bespoleznym synom. Anastasiya ne mozhet byt' vospitana vami. Smotri, kak ona zakonchitsya, yesli ty pozabotish'sya o ney."
"Hahaha... Alexei, you know... You've always been a spoiled brat and useless son. Anastasia cannot be raised by you. Watch how she'll end if you take care of her.", he says with an arrogant smile.

"Zatknis' papa."
"Shut up dad."

I am His face is becoming red more and more and he is saying his last words.

"Bozhe, zaberi menya v svoye korolevstvo na posledniye sekundy, chto u menya ostalis' v zhizni..."
"God, take me to your kingdom for the last seconds that my life has left..."

My dad is giving up trying to get out my hands from grabbing his neck and stops breathing, to die.

"Ty popadesh' v ad"
"You're going to hell", I am saying before standing up. "Pridurok" "Jerk."

I spit on his face and am hearing a very familiar soft voice that seems to come from someone talking to me.


Mom! My mom is alive! She is not dead!

"...vash budil'nik ne zvonil etim utrom?"
"...your alarm didn't ring this morning?"

I am opening my eyes, to realize that everything I just did was a dream. I never killed my dad by choking  him, and he never killed my mom. This is such a huge relief... It creeped me out to see my dad dying in front of me, especially the fact that I was the one killing him.

"Mom!",I am happily expressing.

"Ty v poryadke, dorogaya?"
"Are you okay, honey?"

"Da... YA... YA mogu zabyt' postavit' budil'nik, moy plokhoy.."
"Yeah... I am... I might forget to set my alarm, my bad..."

"Dorogaya, ty ne dolzhna zabyvat', chto ty rabotayesh' kazhduyu subbotu..."
"Darling, you must not forget that you work every Saturday...", my mom is telling me with exhaustion.

"Ty prava mama, prosti..."
"You are right mom, sorry..."

"YA sdelala bliny dlya vas segodnya utrom. I ya ozhidayu, chto ty prilozhish' usiliya, chtoby s"yest' ikh vse etim utrom"
"I made blinis for you this morning. And I expect you to make an effort to eat them all this morning", she is continuing. "Teper' ya budu sledit' za toboy, poka ty yesh', chtoby ubedit'sya, chto ty bol'she ne pokhudeyesh'. YA zabochus' o tvoyem zdorov'ye, zayka...""Now I will keep an eye on you while you eat to make sure you don't lose any more weight. I care for your health, bunny..."

My mom is a nutritionist. She always makes the most healthy meals with my dad and never lets us eat fast food or any kind of food that could be "harmful" to our health, always checking if we eat enough as well. So yes, she did notice my weight changes while I can't even notice them myself.

I am nodding and she is leaving my room, to join my sister in the kitchen. I am dressing up and I am grabbing my phone, to let Vicky know that I just woke up.  As I get to the kitchen, I notice that my dad is not there, which is unusual. Normally, he is always drinking black tea at that time of the morning, talking with my mom or watching the news that often gets replaced by his famous soviet movies. "Gde papa?" "Where is dad?", I am asking, not surprised that he isn't there this morning.

"On v sportzale"
"He's at the gym", my sister is answering me.

Oh gosh, my dad sometimes... Every time he is having problems, he decides to escape from them instead of solving them. He might not want to deal with me this morning, so there he is, going to the gym instead of breakfast with us. "S kakikh eto por on khodit v sportzal po utram..." "Since when does he go to the gym in the morning...", I am asking, kind of mad.

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