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I had this book in drafts with the chapters summaries already written, so I decided to start working on this before I lose motivation lol. Also, apologies if Don is ever ooc in this book. Enjoy <3


(Y/n's POV)

I cracked my knuckles, beginning to aggressively type in my computer. 

"Faster Y/n!", Kendra, the leader of our little group screamed at me through my earpiece.

Who am I? Who's Kendra? And what group? Are all questions you may be asking.

Well, I'm Y/n L/n an absolute badass inventor and hacker. And I work for the Purple Dragons as one of their strongest members.

Currently, I'm hacking into the database of a high-tech company, just to snatch some files for Kendra. 

Kendra's my leader. She rude and loud but has a hell of a brain. Then there's the two other brainiacs besides me. Now, they aren't on the same level of brains as me, but they're still hella smart.

Jason, Kendra's stepbrother is a meek dude who is teased by us (mainly Kendra) a lot. He's cool, but really needs to defend himself.

Jeremy is a cool dude, who LOVES tech. He often comes over to play games at my house and to watch me work.

"Alright guys, got it!", I cheered, spinning in my chair, changing tabs to our video-call.

"HELL YEAH!", Kendra laughed, throwing her hands up.

"You're amazing..", Jason sighed, smiling.

"Gosh y/n, I have no idea how you're SO GOOD!!", Jeremy beamed, leaning closer to the computer.

"Awe guys! Oh shit it's 2:30 in the morning... I'm heading to bed.", I groaned.

"What happened to 'sleep is for the weak'?", Jeremy teased.

"Shut up. It's only because school is tomorrow and I need beauty sleep so I could least look a LITTLE bit better when the school air fucks me up.", I joked.

"Alright get your ass to bed.", Kendra smirked.

I left the call and typed in the chat.

"goodnight u goofy goobers"

Ken- gn asshat

Jase- gn n/n (nickname)<3

Ken- stop w the corny ass hearts

Jase- :,)

Jerm- .

Jerm- anyway.. good night y/n!!

You then passed out.


(The next morning...)


I walked to class, tired as hell. What period is this?? Oh wait Computer science is next.

Just then someone's presence was made known next to me.

"Heya y/n!"

April O' Neil.

The two used to be childhood friends, but drifted off as y/n got older and the two were different in the aspects of maturity and interests. Y/n joined the purple dragons, which made them stray further.

"April.", Y/n sighed.

"You know, we really should hang out! Ooh! What've you been up to by the way? Are you still with those purple dragon goons?", April said in disgust.

+。:.゚𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓷 𝓙𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓽𝓼.:。+゚- Rise! Donatello x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu