Chapter 51 : W.C.K.D

Start from the beginning

The woman narrowed her eyes at Minho. "Look, the most valuable subject among the valuable ones has passed the Maze test. You're quite surprising, son. Something valuable in your body is highly sought after by us," she said.

Minho began to reply, but Newt elbowed him. "Gally," Newt said. "What's going on?"

Gally looked at him, his eyes wide for a moment, his head shaking slightly. But he didn't respond. There was something wrong with him.

The woman nodded, seemingly proud of him. "One day, you will all thank us for what we've done for you. I can only promise this, and trust your minds to accept it. If not, then it's all a mistake. Dark times, Mr. Newton. Dark times," she said to Newt.

Thomas focused on Gally. Gally's entire body trembled, his face pale, his wet and red eyes protruding like bloodstains on paper. His lips were tightly sealed; the skin around them wrinkled as if he were trying to speak but couldn't.

"Gally?" Thomas asked, trying to suppress the total hatred he had for him.

Words came out of Gally's mouth. "They... can control me... I don't—" His eyes widened, a hand went to his throat as if he were choking. "I... have to... for..." Every word he uttered was a hoarse cough. Then he fell silent, his face calm, his body relaxed.

Just like Alby in the bed when he began to regain consciousness and survived his change.

"What's happening—" Thomas didn't have time to finish his thoughts.

Gally reached behind, pulled out something long and shiny from his back pocket. The room's lights reflected off the silvery surface of a sinister-looking dagger, tightly gripped in his fingers. With unexpected speed, he stepped back and threw the knife towards Thomas. As the object began to reach him, Chuck was seen standing in front of him.

With a sickening thud, the dagger hit Chuck's chest, burying itself in its hilt. The boy screamed, fell to the floor, his body convulsing. Blood flowed from his wound, dark red. His legs kicked aimlessly on the floor, directionless death throes. Red fluid oozed from between his lips. Thomas felt as if the world was collapsing around him, crushing his heart. He fell to the ground, pulling Chuck's trembling body into his arms.

"Chuck!" he shouted; his voice felt like acid tearing through his vocal cords. "Chuck!"

Chuck's eyes rolled back in their sockets, the pale whites staring. Blood poured from his nose and mouth. "Chuck!!" Thomas said, this time with a whisper.

Surely, there was something they could do. They could save him.

"Thomas," Chuck whispered.

"Find... my mother." A painful cough erupted from his lungs, spewing a burst of blood.

"Tell her..." He didn't finish. His eyes closed, his body limp. One last

struggling breath escaped his mouth. Thomas stared at him, gazing at the lifeless body of his friend.

Something happened inside Thomas. It began deep in his chest, a seed of anger. Revenge. From hatred. Something dark and terrible. And then it exploded, piercing through his lungs, through his throat, through his arms and legs. Through his mind.

Thomas, witnessing this, turned to face the people staring at them and then shouted at them. He shouted loudly. He rushed forward, throwing himself at Gally, gripping with his fingers like claws. He squeezed Gally's throat, pinning him down, falling to the ground on top of him. He strangled Gally, clenched, but Gally reversed his position, making Thomas underneath him, and began pulling a pocket knife from his pants and lunging it towards Thomas.

Before the object could fly into Thomas's chest, Minho pierced Gally's chest with a spear throw, causing Gally to fall to the floor, bleeding. The Gladers were shocked to see what Minho had done.

"NO!" Thomas screamed, his sadness enveloping him.

"NO!" Teresa was there, putting her hand on his shoulder, trying to calm Thomas.

"I lost my sister. I lost Cessie! I lost Chuck now!" Thomas said in sorrow.

"I promised him, I promised them!" he yelled,

"I promised to save them, bring them home! I promised him!"

Teresa didn't respond, just nodded, her eyes fixed on the ground. Thomas hugged Chuck to his chest, squeezing him as tight as he could, as if it could bring him back, or show gratitude for saving his life, for being his friend when no one else would.

Sobs echoed loudly throughout the room, like the sound of tortured pain.

What else did he have now? Cessie was gone, Chuck, who he had come to think of as his little brother, was now dead because he had saved him.

A loud, slow beeping sound cut through him, like a warning alarm, and some helicopters descended, but much more powerful. It came from everywhere, thundering and echoing throughout the room.

A group of people in black uniforms that covered their bodies entered with their guns pointed, shooting in every direction where anyone in a white suit stood. Some of the soldiers brought the Gladers onto planes.

They slaughtered everyone. Were they against Wicked? Why did they kill the Creators? Was this really the end of the Maze era?

"Calm down, kid. You're safe from Wicked now," said a man in a black uniform covering his body.

The Gladers opened their eyes, looking down at the maze from a height. They were deeply saddened by all that had been lost. They were free now, and this was the beginning of everything. They gazed down below with feelings of anger, sorrow, and resentment gnawing at their hearts. Burning revenge would lead them back to slaughter Wicked and redeem all their deeds.

Property Of W.C.K.D - Book 1 (Minho Fanfic - TMR)  Where stories live. Discover now