Chapter 51 : W.C.K.D

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The door opened, and they walked down the dark corridor. They wondered if this was really the way out until they finally stopped at a door that had the word 'Exit' written on it.

"Are you sure?" Thomas asked Minho.

"What else do I do but trust?" Minho replied.

Minho began to open the door, and silence fell as they observed everyone standing behind the window, watching them. Thomas noticed one of them writing something, while another reached for and put on glasses. They all wore white suits. None of them displayed any facial expressions; they all looked pale and thin, profoundly unsettling to behold.

They continued to stare at the Gladers; one man shook his head, a woman nodded. Another man reached out and scratched his nose - the most human thing Thomas had ever seen one of them do.

"Who are these people?" Chuck whispered, but his voice echoed throughout the room with a hoarse tone.

"The Creators," Minho said, then spat on the floor. "I'll smash your faces!" he yelled, so loudly that Thomas nearly covered his ears.

"What do we do?" Thomas asked. "What are they waiting for?"

"They might be reviving the Grievers," Newt suggested.

"They might come right—"

"What now?" Chuck interrupted, his concern not hidden in his voice. For some reason, everyone looked at Thomas. He shrugged in response; he remembered so much, and now he knew nothing like everyone else who was scared.

His heart raced as he saw one of the doors opening towards them.

Two people entered the room they occupied, one of them a woman. Actual adults. She looked utterly ordinary, wearing black pants and a white shirt buttoned up with the W.C.K.D logo on her chest in blue capital letters. Her brown hair was shoulder-length, and she had a slender face with dark eyes. As she walked towards them, she didn't smile or furrow her brow as if she didn't notice or care about them standing there. Thomas felt he recognized the woman, his memory faint, unable to recall her name. She felt very familiar to Thomas, the way she walked, the way she looked at people; Thomas felt like he knew her.

The woman stopped a few meters in front of the Gladers and slowly looked left and right.

Someone stood beside her, wearing an oversized sweater, the hood covering their head and face. "Welcome back," the woman finally said. "More than three years, and not a few died. Amazing."

Thomas felt his mouth gaping open, anger causing his face to flush.

"Excuse me?" Newt asked.

The woman's eyes scanned them and then settled on Newt.

"Everything is going as planned, Mr. Newton. Although we hoped some of you would give up along the way."

She glanced at her companion standing beside her, then reached out and pulled the hood from the person's head. The person raised their head, their eyes wet with tears.

The Gladers in the room gasped in surprise. Thomas felt his knees go weak. Then, he rubbed his eyes.

It was Gally.

Thomas blinked.

"What is he doing here?" Minho shouted.

"You're safe now," she answered as if she hadn't heard him. "Please, calm down."

"Calm down?" Minho barked. "Who are you to tell us to be quiet? I want someone to report to the police or someone! The mayor? Or the president!" Minho said, full of anger. He was still thinking about Cessie, and now he met Gally. Thomas worried about what Minho would do. He wished Minho would punch him.

Property Of W.C.K.D - Book 1 (Minho Fanfic - TMR)  Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant