Chapter 20- Innocent (now in danger)

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Apprehension took over her as the blaring sound of the siren drew closer.

She batted her lashes and walked back to the room people were. The rain had gone down and was only drizzling.

She glanced around and saw almost everyone was with creased brows, wondering what the police came for.

The fierce looking police men walked in and Rosalie's heart raced. Were they on a patrol?
Why did they have their jaw clenched?

Unanswered questions tugged on her chest and her thoughts wandered around. The shutting of the door jerked her back to life and she saw the police did that.

Her brows creased and she instinctively searched for her protection — Alexander amidst the crowd.

Her brows puckered up and she sneezed as she searched for him. Where was he? Where did he go to?

As her eyes darted around for Alexander to keep her safe from the penetrating gaze of the police, her eyes caught a glimpse of a hand sliding a nylon into a bag.

She tore her eyes away from the scene before casting her gaze back to the bag Her brows knitted in an arch seeing it's the man she caught a glimpse of earlier.

What was happening?

"Rosalie" a voice jolted her out of her thoughts and she ran to Alexander. "Alexander," she unknowingly called and leaned into him for a hug.

His body was half dry but she felt warm. Alexander put his arm around her and pulled her tighter for the hug.

Her body trembled slightly leaving him to wonder why.
Was she cold? Or was she scared of the police?

"Are you okay?" He asked in his usual ethereal voice and Rosalie sniffed. She disengaged from the hug and took a step from him.

"Yes, I —" Rosalie batted her lashes and casted her gaze to the people present. Her eyes met with one of the inspectors and she paused.

The man bore holes into her skin: not only hers into everyone's.

"Can't we get out anymore?" A woman screamed gaining everyone's attention. She struggled with the door and everyone's brows creased before a voice boomed.

"We apologize, we might need your time" one of the police inspectors voiced out and the puzzle Rosalie felt moments ago doubled.

Alexander's gaze darkened as he watched the police. The moment he saw their car, he knew there was problem. He tried not to get caught up but it was impossible.

Uproars in Italian language filled the room while Rosalie stared at Alexander like he could solve her puzzle.

"Due criminali sono in fuga con droga e sono venuti qui; two criminals are on the run and they came here."

Murmurs filled the room as they tried counteracting.

The inspector showed everyone his search warrant and the room went gravely silent. The inspector moved from one person to another before he reached Rosalie and Alexander.

Alexander ruffled his hair and watched as Rosalie stretched out the drenched handbag she took from the car to the inspector. He accessed it before handing it over to her.

Alexander tightened his fist. How dare they search his things? What did they take him for?

He kept his eyes on the inspector as he accessed other bags. He couldn't tell what they were seeking but a thought whirled in his mind.

An item rang in his head but he had to see.

About 15 people were left when the inspector grabbed a bag from an old woman. He searched thoroughly but couldn't find anything.

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