Chapter 7- Fear

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As Alexander strode into the opulent living room, a smile broke on his lips when the light emanated by the chandelier flashed in his eyes.

He missed the feeling of watching light emanate from the chandelier. In fact, he missed everything about this house —his parent's house.

"Good evening, sir" a maid came into view and dropped a tray on the table. "Get mum" Alexander ordered and settled on the sofa.

The maid bowed, turned around and headed to the stairs.

Alexander exhaled and shut his eyes. He could feel his muscles screaming. He needed to rest and he knew it but he couldn't. He wasn't resting any time soon.

He had a load of work to access and a lot of deals to examine. He knew it'd be that way the moment he took a break from the office.

He had to attend to his work; his personal work that got him entangled in a compromising situation. He exhaled and tugged on his hair.

"So, what're you brooding about?" Alexander raised his head when the voice plunged into his thoughts. "Me?" He chortled as his dad approached him.

"I was just thinking of some work that had to be done in the office," he confessed while the man smiled.

"For a moment, I thought it was about that lady—what's her name?" The man furrowed his brows as he racked his brain.

Alexander watched with a scoff. He knew exactly whose name he was trying to figure out but he wasn't going to say it.

"Where's mum?" Alexander asked to stop him from racking his brain.

"As usual, on vacation " the man verified and Alexander chuckled. He understood why the man added as usual. The ladies in the house were always on vacation and he's always doing the work.

At that thought, his face stiffened. Muscles tensed inside of him. He was the one to carry the family legacy. He knew they were using him; he knew the care and attention was all a facade.

A memory clicked in his head and it took everything in him to resist the urge to ball his fist. He was trapped in the family. He was trapped and unable to establish his own company.

He knew the family wanted him to pay for all their sacrifices over him; after all he was sheltered when he had nothing.

He was adopted.

"Why're you here Alexander? You should be in the office since you were thinking about it" the man broke into his thoughts and Alexander nodded.

Of course, his life was buried with the company.

"Yes of course, I am here to show you the agreement deal with the Raymond's family" Alexander brought out his phone. He punched on it and handed the phone to his dad.

"Oh," the man scanned through and nodded his head. "You could have forwarded it to me."

"Oh yes," Alexander chortled to stifle his scoff. He knew that but wanted to discuss with him about her; Sophia.

"Mr. Raymond is not ready to go ahead with his deal" Alexander spoke up and his dad paused. "What do you mean?" Mr. Macaulay asked with tensed jaws.

He worked hard to get him to partner with their company. Why'd he suddenly back out?

"The daughter's issue."

"Sophia?" Mr. Macaulay asked and Alexander nodded with a sigh. He finally figured out her name. "Why? What's her issue with the company?"

"I don't know. I came here so you could contact her father and ask what the issue is" Alexander shrugged like he didn't know what she wanted.

"You talk to him about the partnership. I have to leave now" he stood up while the man watched with narrowed eyes. He could tell there was more he knew.

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