Episode 1: Returnal

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Episode 1:



"Why does life have to be so cruel?"

"I do not know..."

"Is it just a fickle thing, and we are but to it's whims?"

"I wish I had the answers for you..."


"I only know that you are hurting, and I wish I could help..."

"Is the very nature of man just so selfish that we can't help but blindly destroy?"

"But what I do know..."

"Like marionettes bound to a cruel puppet master, doing as we are made to in order to please an audience: act out lies and characters."

"Is that it's not your fault..."

"And the more we crave those truths, who we really are, the closer we get to snapping those strings and exposing what we really are..."

"That you're loved..."

"Beings that crave attention, validation and adoration so much , that without it, we are but meaningless husks who lie dead on the stage."

"That you have something beautiful to offer this world..."

"And who wants to watch a puppet broken from their strings?"

"'O' one bathed in blood..."


Sword Art Online: INCURSION

A Sword Art Online Fanfiction written by Avis




With his black mug of green tea in hand, 31 year old Kazuto sits down in his comfortable leather office chair at his wooden work desk, and lets out a long, quiet sigh, his head reclining up towards the ceiling as he sets the cup of steaming liquid down onto an unoccupied part of the surface, being a cheaply made plastic coaster that humorously reads in bold white text: Best Blackie.

Kazuto opens his eyes back up onto the engineering project on his desk, with parts strewn across its surface, where his attention draws back up to the wood framed photograph beside his laptop, showcasing the gang in their most recent group photo that was taken long ago, being them all at their wedding and of course, all nicely dressed.

A few knocks comes from the front door, so Kazuto sighs, then almost stands up out of the chair, but Asuna gets up from the leather beige couch in the living room next to his work desk, rushes over to sit him back down while insisting that she gets it, and Kazuto reluctantly agrees to get back to his project while she gets whatever it is at the door.

With an Amazon box no larger than a shoebox in both hands, Asuna comes back inside from the cold November breeze of the outdoors, and hurriedly stashes it in their linens closet where everyone else's gifts are that she'll start wrapping later. She had gotten their Son the updated Augma model. He watched Asuna do so, all while wearing a tired smile on his lips, reminiscing of their younger years, back when they were dumb kids who played around before they got closer inside the digital floating castle many got trapped in for two years straight.

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