Fun like never before

Start from the beginning

Luigi: good morning your majesty.

King: ah yes good morning Luigi. What brings you here.

Luigi: well I was wondering if the application of the prince new servant was still open.

King: unfortunately yes. We didn't have luck finding a new one. Why, you have someone in mind?

Luigi: um yes, so I have this good friend of my-

King: wait, before you continue, what tier are they in.

Luigi: um tier? L-like the high and low ones? 

King: yes those ones. What, is there a problem with that?

Luigi: um yes- I mean no..... well  maybe?

King: Luigi, look at me straight in the eye, you are one of our most trusted person we have in here. You wouldn't lie to us, right?

Luigi: u-um n-no?

King: ok, now tell me, what tier are they in.

Luigi: M-middle class t-tier.....

The king didn't had a friendly face when Luigi said that.

King: middle Tier class?

Luigi: yes...

King: at least their not lower tier class. Um I don't know, you know only high tier class people are accept for this job.

Luigi: I know, but I was hoping you will accept that.

King: hm, I'll think about it.

Luigi: :D thank you so much sir.

Back with SMG4........

King guard: the king is not able to talk to you at this moment.

4: oh ok, thanks.

Meggy: see, I told you he be busy. Now we have the easy job, talking to the queen.

4: I think she's in her room.

They walked towards the queen's room.

4: ok only I can enter, you guys stay outside. I'll be quick.

SMG4 knocked on the door.

Queen: yes?

4: mom, it's me.

Queen: enter.

4: um I was wondering if I could look at our kingdom from close range.

Queen: you mean you want to go and visit the villagers?

4: yeah that what I mean.

Queen: it could be dangerous 

4: oh com on mom, every thing seems dangerous to you. I'm not a little kid anymore. Beside my body guard would be there.

Queen: ok fine but just for a short while.

4: thank mom.

Queen: make sure to come back in time for dinner!

SMG4 closed the door

4: she yes

Meggy: oh so let go. 

They walked towards the main lobby and toward the two main doors. They told the guards that they have permission to go outside. The guards open the door for them and then closed it.

 The breeze of the fresh air hit SMG4's face. A refreshing one.

4: ah, it's feels like a long time since I went outside. Where should we go now?

SMG34: The prince and the servantWhere stories live. Discover now