Lucia just waved her hand, she was too shy to speak to the prince. But in her heart she wanted to see Hoseok again.

Meanwhile at Eldthigas Land..

"King, I heard that Prince Hoseok just left Egevila Land to give a blessing for them." His servant said

"Destroy that place." Seokjin replied

"As you wish king

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"As you wish king."

"I'll come with you."

The evil king and his troops of Eldthigas Land arrived at Egevila Land, they destroyed and burned the area.

The evil king and his troops of Eldthigas Land arrived at Egevila Land, they destroyed and burned the area

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Everyone screamed to save themselves, people's merchandise was destroyed by fire. Lucia's grandparents were worried and came to Lucia's house, she cried and tried to put out the fire that was burning the strawberries she hadn't picked. Grandpa shouted for Lucia because the fire was starting to get big, you fell on the floor and were sad. Without meaning to, Seokjin saw Lucia fall and was sad.

Seokjin pov
That girl... she was the girl I had seen in the dandelion fields back then. Does she live here? No, she can't see me... I ran and told all my troops to return to Eldthigas Land.

At Seokjin's palace..

Jin only felt guilty this time when he found out that the girl lived there, Jin screamed out of anger. He threw and broke everything in his castle, he hurried to find a servant. He gripped the servant's collar angrily.

"Don't you know, this girl lives there?" Jin shouted

"W-who is this girl king? I don't know"

Jin pushed the servant roughly and shouted

"The girl I've been looking for.. for years!!"

"I'm very sorry king, we don't have that information"

"GET OFF NOW!!" Jin shouted

The servant looked down and apologized, but that made Jin even angrier and he broke things again infront of them. The noise of the fragments was very hurtful to their ears, then the servant rushed away. Jin was getting angry because saying sorry wasn't a solution, he kept thinking about the girl's situation. The place where she lived was destroyed because of him, he returned to his magnificent room and went out to the balcony. Lightning appeared and then the rain fell heavily.

Seokjin pov
I'm sorry, what should I do to fix all this? Should I go there alone? I have to disguise myself as a lost person or what? Whatever it is I will find you again and you will be mine..

At the Egendria Land

The prince and his family are having dinner together at the palace. Someone gave news that the people of Eldthigas Land had ravaged Egevila Land. Hoseok was surprised and he remembered Lucia, Hoseok gave orders to the servants to immediately repair and help everyone living in Egevila Land. The king refused and scolded Hoseok.

"What did you do that for? It won't be useful, father already told you not to do that favor to everyone in every Land!" His dad shouted

"Father.. I do this so that everyone feels prosperity in life, I feel unfair when we can live in prosperity in Egendria Land while people outside are suffering!" Hoseok replied

"I kept saying that was not a solution! Don't waste your time on it!" His father left him

Hoseok pov
Actually, what's wrong with father? Why doesn't he like me doing favors to others? I have to secretly go there tomorrow without my father knowing.

To be continued...

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