Chapter- 73 Another woman?

Start from the beginning

"Stop your acting drama queen," Payal remarked, but I didn't take my hands off my face.

"I told you to stop acting," Pooja said and pulled my hands away. She gasped as soon as she saw my actual tears.

"Hey, Nain, why are you crying? We are just playing with you," she exclaimed.

"We are just joking, Nain," Payal agreed immediately as tears rolled down her eyes as well.

"I am sorry, girls, I didn't mean to hurt you," I sobbed.

"We can understand, darling," Pooja said as she blinked her tears.

"I missed you so much," I threw myself on them and good thing they caught me.

"We missed you a lot too," they cried as they both hugged me tightly.

We cried in each other's embrace without breaking our group hug until we heard someone coming in.

We separated from the hug and Pooja wiped my tears only to get more tears as I saw Avi.

"Avi," I ran into his embrace and he hugged me too.

Yesterday I got to meet everyone but didn't get the chance to talk to them freely.

"So, you think you grew up enough to make decisions on your own without telling anyone," He remarked and I could hear the cracks in his voice.

It's the first time I went away from him. We had never separated since childhood. We used to meet every week even when I was in university.

Sure, we fight a lot, but we can't live without each other.

"I am sorry, Avi," I sobbed.

"Just don't pull anything like this again," he breathed out, hugging me tightly.

I cried in his embrace until I felt at ease.

Then Arnav hugged us both. After that, Pooja and Payal also joined, making it a group hug.

"Join me too," I heard Ajay's voice.

"Come," Pooja muttered, and Ajay also joined in our group hug.

"Come on guys, let her breath," Arnav muttered as he unwrapped his hands and everyone left the embrace.

I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with air once I was free.

Avi ruffled my hair and kissed my forehead. He didn't tell me he missed me, but I can understand he missed me so much.

We all spent that day at our place catching up with the things when I was not there.

Following the next day, I went home and met my parents. They cried a lot and my heart ached looking at their cries. They don't actually know the real reason I left, but were emotional to see me after months.

But Arnav told everything to them as he didn't want to lie to them and apologized to them. My parents blamed him first, but understood him and forgave us.

We stayed at my parents that day and returned to his penthouse the next day.



"Why do you like Doraemon that much, butterfly?" Arnav asked, wrapping his hand around my waist as I am watching doraemon.

"Because he is Doraemon," I shrugged and he glanced, not convinced.

"Because Doraemon has a solution for Nobita's every problem," I said and he just smiled.

"Do you want me to make dinner or order something?"

"I wanna eat the food you cooked. You know, I missed it so much," I replied, snuggling more into his chest.

I missed this warm feeling so much.

"Ok, what do you want to eat then?" he asked.

"You," he chuckled at my remark.
"I am just kidding. Everything is fine as long as it's you who makes it," I remarked, and he kissed my forehead lovingly.

We then walked to the kitchen. He started cooking while I was talking to him, hugging from behind. I kissed his nape and tried to remove his long hair to kiss his skin on the nape which is my favorite place.

"Arnav, what is this? When did you get this one?" I exclaimed, unwrapping my hands from him.

He actually got a butterfly tattoo on his nape. It was not there when I was leaving.

"I got that one after you left me," he muttered lightly.


"I missed you so much... and It's your favorite spot. so...," he remarked.

I am touched, man. How can he do that?

I just hugged him not knowing how to let go of this overwhelmed feeling.

"It's ok, Butterfly." he mumbled caressing my hair.

"Now, get back to work. Aren't you hungry?" he exclaimed and I nodded.

While we were cooking, we heard someone knocking on the door.

Arnav put the stirring spoon aside to go and open the door.

"You carry on, I will go and see," I stopped him and walked out of the kitchen.

My eyes widened, looking at the person at the door.

Why is he here at this hour?

I moved aside, giving him space to come in, and then closed the door. Without saying anything, I ran to the kitchen.

"Who is it, butterfly?" Arnav asked as he heard my footsteps in the kitchen.

Arnav looked at me when I didn't reply to anything

"What happened? Who was that?" he asked as he came to me.

"It's your father," I whispered. "He is in the living room."

"Why is he here?" Arnav mumbled madly.

"It's ok, baby. Don't worry," he said, holding my hand and kissing my knuckles.

Then we both went to the living room where his father was waiting. He sat on the single seat coach, looking around.

"What's the matter? Why are you here?" Arnav asked as we both seated on the couch.

"I am here to apologize," he stated after a brief silence.

He? Apologize? Seriously?

"Please don't start another game. I really can't live without her," Arnav said, gripping my hand.
"If you hate us so much, then we both leave but please don't try to take her away from me."

"You can take it as a request or order but don't try it,"

"No, Arnav. I am not here to separate you again," his dad said immediately.

"I am sorry," he remarked after a pause. "I am sorry for separating you guys."

"But Arnav, I thought she is also like Jwala," he commented.

Jwala? Who is Jwala? Why does he think I am like her? So, Arnav had another woman before me? Then why didn't he tell me anything about her?


Hehe, I tried to trick you guys in last chapter but you guys already guessed it's not their baby 🥲😅😅

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Another cliffhanger 😉🤭😁

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