Chapter Thirteen.

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"Leila!" I exclaim running down the steps almost tripping on my dress before I jump the woman.

"Owww! I am now in grave pain but I missed you too sweetheart." I take a step back.

"I missed you. You have no idea how boring it is here." I start pulling her into the house.

"Nice to see you too duchess." I turn to the Lord standing there, next to the carriage and smile.

"Oh! Hello Noah." I acknowledge before I continue to pull his wife inside the house.
"I have a lot to tell you. And so many que-" I bump into something hard. "Owww!" I step back and rub my forehead.

"Are you okay? Am sorry I was not watching where I was going. Let me see." I freeze as he brings his face lower to check my forehead. The only thing I can focus on are his lips. Those soft, pink, manly, devilish-

"Mmmhmmm." Leila coughs behind me and I blink a few times stepping away.

"Am fine." it comes out as a squeak and I have to clear my throat and turn away from his amused face.

"We'll be leaving soon ladies." he shouts after us, amusement in his voice and I ran to our chambers closing the door behind Leila.

"Well that was... something." I start walking around trying to avoid her questioning gaze. "So, you and your husband... what's that about?"

"What? There is nothing, absolutely nothing going on." I defend myself.

"Well then, I guess am just being delusional. So why did you pull me into your chambers?" I stop my movements and look at her for a long minute, before I sigh and fall on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Fine, there I something going on." it's quiet. I lift my head up to see a big bright smile on Leila's face and deflate.

"The best way to get information out of someone is to act like you do not care." she sits besides me.
"Now spill the tea honey."

"He kissed me." I gauge her reaction.

"Ok, and?"

"I kissed him back."


"And then he got angry with me when I tried kissing him again."

"What? why?"

"Because he said it makes him... what's the term again? Put off? put on?-"

"Turned on?" I jump up.

"Yes! That. I do not know what it means but when I asked, he just looked at me like I am a crazy idiot." She bursts out laughing and I groan.
"This was a bad idea, let's just leave." I get up before she pulls me back on the bed.

"Sit your sweet innocent cheeks down duchess and allow me to teach you an important lesson." she stands, smoothens her dress and then narrows her eyes at me.
"Did he do anything after that?"

"Yes, he grabbed me as I was about to leave and whispered 'this is what you do to me' before kissing me again." I cringe after revealing all that information to her.

"You my dear, are a very lucky woman. Not every man would have the same self control that Clarence has. Especially not when you share a bed for this long."
my eyes widen at that.

"What? But I thought married couples share chambers and a bed." she nods.

"They do, my husband and I do too, but you have never been intimate with yours and that is like the key point of getting married." I nod.

"That I have read about in books. You mean sexual intercourse, no?" her face becomes disgusted.

"That term seems way long and very wrong. We call it love making. And I do not mean to make you feel bad or anything but Clarence is probably in pain." I gasp.

"What? Did he get hurt? Why is he in pain?" I now get up but she sits me back down with her hand.

"You have a lot to learn miss. And we have limited time.
I will make it short, so listen..."


"What do you think they are talking about? Should I go and tell them it is time to depart?" I ask and Noah looks up to the house then back to me.

"Probably about dresses and make up. Or someone's husband." I raise a brow.

"Why would they be discussing someone else's husband when they are both married?" I ask straightening my posture.

"It is called gossip. All ladies do it. And why do you seem defensive all of a sudden? Did something happen that you have not told me? Like," he starts elaborating with his hands and producing weird sounds that I take the closest thing to me and bring it up to hit him and he runs off laughing before the doors open and we stare waiting for the both ladies to walk down the steps.

One is smiling ear to ear while the other one looks like she has been to hell and back. She does not even pay attention to the steps and almost falls before I catch her.

"Careful." she looks up at me but I can tell that her mind is far away. I turn to Leila and glare when I make sure my wife is settled in the carriage.
"What did you do to my wife you weirdo." I narrow my glaring gaze.

"Wow, I never thought I would see the day when our dear Clare bear was defensive over a woman." she pouts and then they laugh it off with Noah.

"Do not call me that and stop evading my question." I sneer.

"So defensive. Alright, alright, I just gave her a big lesson on sexual education. Who knew it would make her think so much?"

"You did what?!" Noah and I ask at the same time and she jumps startled.

"You two need to cool down, it is not like I am the one who told her I was turned on." I go into a coughing fit as Noah gives me a look of disbelief before they both burst into laughter.

Then the carriage opens and Rose steps out.
"I... I need to use the chamber pot, please." she whispers and I nod.

"Alright, are you well?" I ask her.

"Sex...I mean, sex. No, I mean yes." she seems so confused I want to go with her but I know she does not need that right now so I just watch her head back into the house.

I then turn to the culprit who bursts out laughing along with her husband.

"Come on, even you can admit that was hilarious."
Noah defends and I just sigh. Those two deserve each other.

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