Chapter One.

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This is a work of fiction so all characters are fictional.



Every girl dreams of a knight when they're young. Someone who they love and who loves them back. I also had this dream, when I was younger, until I reached the age of fifteen and my dream was shattered by the reality that I was promised to another. I was angry at first, because I would never feel like the ladies in the books I read, the thrill of falling in love but a lady should never be angry or throw tantrums so I learnt to push down the anger and instead focused on being the perfect wife. One thing I swore to myself though was to never and I mean never, to lay with a man who did not love me let alone have children with him.

That is why as I sit to eat dinner with my new husband I decide to tell him of this. I don't care that a maid stands at the corner, it is better that maybe she could get the news around and am sure it wouldn't be too long before everyone knows and force the duke to leave me and wed another. I smile as I bite into my food.

Clearing my throat I turn slightly gaining his attention.
"You're excellency, might I tell you something?" he looks at me, with those cold eyes of his and nods. "Well, I don't mean to ruin our wedding night but I must tell you this." I shift in my chair. " The thing is, I cannot give you children." that gets him to pause mid chewing and stare at me.
No emotion on his face. " This is to mean that I would not mind you taking a concubine for yourself." the words are bitter in my mouth but am not about to lay with this man. His eyes narrow ever so slightly before he nods.
Well, I think he gets the memo and so does the maid.

With that I excuse myself.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I feel tired after the eventful day. I shall take my leave." he nods in acknowledgement and I almost sprint out of the room. I head to our room and prepare for bed with the help of a new maid. I really miss Tessa, my personal maid. She would scold me for doing what I have done but she's not here.

When I get into the bed, I recall the day's events. It's actually very strange how the only words my husband has said today were 'I do.'at the alter.
But if he's quiet, the better, I need to hear myself talk more than him.
Then I remember am married and a giggle erupts from my mouth. I almost throw my feet in the air when the door creaks open and he walks in. I pretend to be already fast asleep and soon I fall into deep slumber with a man lying beside me.

• • •


I walk down the steps into the dining room expecting to find my wife there but she's no where in sight. It's eight in the morning, where did she go? Yesterday, I was too distant to talk and there are somethings we need to discuss.

"Ana, where is the duchess?" I ask as she comes with a tray and I furrow my brows.

"Your excellency," she curtseys before placing the tray Infront of me. It's fruits and some pancakes.
"The duchess made these for you before going out."

"But I do not take breakfast. I only drink tea in the morning."

"I informed her of this and she said that she would not have it. She also prohibited us from giving you tea before you are at least half of the food." I rub my temples. It's too early for this.

"Did she say where she was headed?" I ask diverting the topic otherwise I might get a migraine.

"To check out the estate." I sigh," if you'll excuse me your excellency." I nod before I remember something.

"Uh Ana, when she gets back, inform her to come to my study and bring me my tea right away." I say sternly before she can refuse and I see a conflicted look on her face before she nods heading off.

I look at the food in front of me and it looks delicious I won't lie. I take one pancake and place it on my plate and I don't realize when I finish it. Wow, the woman can cook. When Ana returns with my tea, she is surprised but doesn't say a word.

And that's when I remember yesterday night.
"Ana, about yesterday," I start and she smiles.

"Don't worry about it your excellency. My mouth is shut." I nod getting up.


Am engulfed in paperwork when there's a knock on the door. Thinking it is my wife I tell her to come in only for it to not be her.

"Clarence, darling." I get up so fast the ink almost falls.

"What are you doing here Marion?" I ask as I move away when she tries to get close to me.

"What? Am gone for two weeks and suddenly you don't want me?" she asks still trying to grab me.

"No, I am married now so I don't want you around anymore." shock hits her but she quickly recovers.

"Well I see no wife here and I can be good at keeping a secret." I hit the wall and she comes towards me her finger on my chest. "You know you want me." she goes to kiss me but someone knocks on the door again distracting her and I get away from her. She huffs out a breath.

"Leave and don't you dare come back here again." I sneer to her after regaining my composure.
She smirks heading to the door.

"You can't get rid of me that easily darling. I'll see you around." she opens the door widely and almost hits my wife who has a tray in her hands. I tub my face as they meet and she narrows her eyes at my wife.

"Well, aren't you a beauty." my wife comments leaving Marion speechless before she stomps out.

"May I come in your excellency?" I nod clenching my jaw.

"Stop calling me that. I am your husband." is the first thing I tell her when she sets the tray down and I notice there are some covered dishes.

"You are but I do not know you which means I cannot refer to you informally." I arch a brow sitting in my chair as she stands there. I gesture for her to take one of the seats and she nods.

"So what? Should I also refer to you as princess?" she looks off in a second before staring back at me.

"Well, you stripped me of that title the moment you said yes yesterday so I would prefer duchess." she smiles brightly at me.

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