Chapter Eight.

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"Careful, careful, can you at least support yourself a little?" I whisper shout to my drunk friend, the duke.

"What?" he all but shouts and I slap him in the back of the head shushing him"Oh shit!", before I regret it when he falls and I fall on top of him. A sudden bright light appears and I look up, immediately standing and straightening up.

"My love, I assure you it's not what it looks like." she narrows her eyes, staring from Clarence and back to me for a couple of times before she sighs.

"It looks like you're helping your friend out, should I be thinking otherwise?" I am speechless. I open my mouth and close it a couple of times, reaching for the back of my head and closing my eyes in embarrassment before she bursts into laughter.

"Oh my goodness, you should see your face." She puts the lamp on the floor bending over in laughter and I just stare at her.

"It's not funny." I say, "And you should keep your voice down if you don't want to wake anyone up." she tries to put herself together but at looking at my face, she bursts out laughing again."Shhh." I warn her, moving to pick Clarence off the floor.

"Do you need help?" she asks in between her laughs.

"Yes, for you to stop laughing and help me get this drunk mess to the guest chambers." I say and she nods, picking up the lamp.
"What are you doing?"

"Helping. I am going to light the way for you." I sigh when she smiles innocently.

"As you wish, my love." I say and she nods leading the way.

"What? Love. I promise, I do not, love that prostitute. I only have eyes for my Malika." to say am not startled when the man talks is a lie. I thought he was out cold, but it seems he still has a lot to say.

"So," oh no!"Prostitute huh? where were you tonight love?" I inhale deeply and open my mouth."And it would be wise for you to tell me the truth, Noah." I hate it when she uses my name. I get chills and just spill out everything to her.

"Ok, ok. But could we place this giant down first?" she nods and opens the door and I place him on the bed.

"Rose, where's my wife?" he asks patting the space next to him.

"Just sleep, you'll see her in the morning." I tell him, covering him before I walk to the door where my wife stands, hands crossed.
"I promise, I did not see anything. I only took that guy to confront the woman, because she was spreading rumors about the duchess. Also by the way, I saw count Winston leave her house as I stood outside." I tell her.

"Really? Who is the prostitute then?" she asks finally allowing me to leave the room.

"Your friend, the girl with the cat eyes that looks like a witch." she furrows her brows before realization hits her.

"Oh! Marion?"

"I don't know, I don't care what her name is. I just hate her and I think you should hate her too." I tell her and she looks at me weird.

"And who said I loved her? You keep your friends close," she walks towards me slowly," and your enemies even closer." I narrow my eyes.

"I feel like you're trying to tell me something I do not know. " she laughs, hand on my chest.

"No hidden meanings, I promise." she whispers and I bite onto my lip leaning in but I get pushed backwards." But do take a bath, you stink." then the door is closed in my face.


"So," my wife starts.

"Please save me the lecture countess, my head is already pounding enough." the duke complains and Leila hits the back of his head.

"Don't give me attitude when you are the one who went to get yourself drunk instead of going home to your wife." she replies giving him some bitter herbs.
"Now drink, than I'll give you a lecture you will never forget." she commands.

He looks at me for help but I just lift my hands in surrender before picking up my cup of tea.

"Why did you marry her? She's too cruel." Clarence whispers when she walks away.

"I can still hear you." she says loudly before disappearing into the kitchen.

"She's even crazier than my wife." he sighs.

"The wife you were declaring your love for yesternight?" I smirk at his face expression.

"What did I say? or do?" he asks swallowing hard.

"Oh, nothing. Just some love confession to your dearest duchess." I have to bite my inner cheek to prevent myself from bursting out laughing.
"Oh, I only have eyes for my duchess and no one else." I imitate his drunken self.

"He is not lying but he did exaggerate a little." he comes around with our baby girl placing her in my lap."she said she wanted her father." I furrow my brows.

"Leila, she can't talk." I point out. She is not even a summer old.

"Maybe not to you, " she says sitting."Am so exhausted." she sighs."Oh, by the way, could you give this to your wife?" she hands Clarence a letter.

"Ok, but am not sure I will see her since she's avoiding me." he sighs staring at the seal.

"Well, you can give it to her at night. Am sure she is going to sleep at least." I tell him and he nods.

"Wait, you two sleep in the same bed chambers?" Leila asks.

"Yes. They even share the bed." I say and she gasps staring at the duke.

"Really? And you haven't done the act?" Clarence rubs his face in exhaustion.

"No, we have not. I do not understand why it is such a big deal." he says and I chuckle.

"Are you even a man?" and that has me laughing my guts out.

"I asked him the same thing!" I say in between laughs, careful not to mishandle the baby in my arms.

"You know what? You two deserve each other. Am heading out." he gets up.

"Hey, come on. It is just weird that you can sleep comfortably next to a woman who is as beautiful as the duchess without feeling the urge to touch her." Leila wiggles her brows throwing me into another fit of laughter.

"Do not forget that sometimes she puts her legs on him." I add and he glares at me.

"That's it! We are no longer friends." he walks away.

"Oh come on, you know you love me too much." I shout after him.

"Wait, she puts her legs on him while they are sleeping?" I nod," wow! either his organs do not function properly or he has such strong self control that you might need to borrow some." she says and I furrow my brows.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You can barely survive without one day of intimacy." she comments.

"Speaking of which, the baby is asleep. Do you think we can..." I trail off suggestively. She gives it a second then nods.

"Let's go." now who needs more self control?

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