Chapter Six.

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I woke up about ten times during the night, my husband was not sleeping beside me.
I knew sleeping in the same bed would have it's consequences and now am experiencing one. I cannot sleep in the bed without that man beside me. To say the night was long and uncomfortable would be an understatement.

The other thing is that I feel weird. Since I took some bitter herbs yesterday- for my lower abdomen pain- I was dizzy and only got informed of my husband's whereabouts this morning and now I feel like am going to vomit my breakfast. I am not supposed to be bothered if he goes and sleeps with whoever he wants, I am after all the one who suggested it, and we are now friends.
Yes, the duke is my friend.

I grimace. I hate that word now.
Friend. No, he is my husband. Let's stick to that. Husband.
Hmmm, much better.

"You surprise me each and every day madam." I jump almost falling into the bushes beside the path.

"Jesus! You scared me." I inhale deeply trying to calm my racing mind.

"My apologies." Ana says and I shake my head.

"No need to apologize Ana, I am the one who was lost in thought. So why do I surprise you?" I ask clearing my throat. I regret insisting on walking to the town. It is quite a distance from the estate but Ana made it sound like it was a short walk there.

"A lot of things you do, not many ladies would." she comments looking away like she's afraid I'll be offended.

"Let me tell you something my mother used to tell me growing up. If you try becoming like everyone else you will loose yourself in the middle of it all." I smile, recalling all our tea talks with my mother, may she rest in peace.

"The queen sounds like she was a wise ruler, may she rest in eternal peace." she says.

"Oh, that she was. Also a good mother as I remember. She told me to be myself and never let what others think of you affect what you think about yourself." I tell her just as the town gate comes into view.

"I think you will also be a great mother one day madam." she says and I sense sadness in her voice. I furrow my brows.

"That's a good thing but then you sound sad." I comment. She doesn't say anything for a second.
"Ana, you kn-"

"Look, madam. We have arrived." she says completely changing her mood or pretends to. I narrow my eyes but don't say anything further as I follow her lead.

"Wow, these look so beautiful." I whisper looking at the necklace.

"Yes miss. It would look very nice on you." the lady selling the ornaments says. I look at Ana who is a distance away.

"I will take it." I take out a pouch with coins and hand the woman who looks at me shocked. I just wink taking the necklace and walking to the next stall.
I have never been out like this since I was about sixteen. My mother and I used to disguise ourselves and walk around the capital buying ornaments and porcelain and some very beautiful dresses.

Oh, and food. The street food in the capital can only be described in one word. Incomparable.
I skip towards Ana who is looking at some children's clothes and stand behind her shoulder.

"Who's baby are you planning to buy those for?" now it's her turn to jump in surprise as she stares from the stall I was at before to where I stand now.

"My la-" I give her a look." Rose. You scared me." I nod.

"I know." I move towards a cute dress." this is beautiful." I look at her but she's looking anywhere but at me. I narrow my eyes. My money says she's pregnant.
"So, who's baby are you shopping for?" I ask again. I f she won't come clean about it, I will find out on my own.

"No one's. I just thought they were beautiful and one day when you decide to finally to have a baby, I could buy some for you." trying to bring the topic to me because it makes me uncomfortable, nice try Ana.

"Ok, well am hungry." I change the topic and she smiles thinking it worked but she has no idea.

"Then follow me, I know just the place." she hurries off and we walk into a tavern.

"Welcome, distinguished ladies. Take a seat anywhere and I will be right with you." a cheerful guy says when we walk in as he serves another customer. I walk to a corner seat and Ana follows me.

"Well, this is nice." I say looking around the place. " I feel like eating some fish." her facial expressions immediately changes to one of disgust." Maybe if they have tuna? I here this region has a lot of it." and... bingo.

"I need some air, madam. Please excuse me." she says trying to hide the fact that she's about to spill her guts out. I nod. Am actually allergic to tuna but she doesn't need to know that, at least not at the moment.

I lean back on my seat just as the man comes around.
I would like to wait for my friend if you don't mind." I tell him and he nods.

"No problem my lady." he says before walking away.

It's not even a minute later when a very familiar scent of perfume hits my nose and I roll my eyes, my mood spoiled.
I brace my mind of anything she might say.

"Oh my! Look who we have here. If it isn't the duchess of Heartfelt."
I sigh when every person's head turns to look at me. She just had to blow my cover.
"To what do the townfolk owe this pleasure?" she laughs coming to sit Infront of me.

"That seat is taken." I tell her quietly.

"Oh? By your maid? I think I saw her vomiting outside. It might take her a minute to come back." she smiles. Why are her lips painted so much? She looks like a prostitute.

"What do you want Marion?" I ask already fed up with her presence.

"Nothing much. Just wondering where your husband slept last night." I give her a look.

"Let me guess, your bed?"

"Exactly. Looks like one of us might be conceiving an heir to the duchy." she smiles wickedly.

"Well, congratulations. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go check on my friend." I get up.

She gets up too, seemingly not pleased with my reaction.
"What? Are you too afraid of the people that you don't want to show your true colors? I know you feel hurt that you are not the one who the duke is in love with. That he cannot please you like he does me Rose. I guess all you can have is the title of duchess attached to you." at this point, a crowd gathers around. They want to see what I will do to my husband's mistress. And as a lady, I should do what the people want right? Because am a duchess? No. Am not that stupid.

"Look here Marion. You can have all the kids you want with the duke. I do not care. What I care about is the people of this duchy. Not the man who rules it. Everyone knows our marriage was arranged and so what I'd he chooses you to bare his children? I do not care." I push through the crowd and put of the tavern to only bump into Ana.

"Madam? Where are you going? I thought your hungry."

"I have changed my mind. I am more thirsty than ii am hungry. Take me to a wine store. I need something strong." I say pulling her away from the place.

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