Hidden Leaf Village

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( [Y/N] POV)

I took out a tool that resembled a small boar and closed my eyes in concentration. With that, my horns disapeared. "Now maybe i wont look too out of place, my third eye cant really be noticed unless i open it so ill leave it like that". The boar tool can help someone hide a body part or more so erase it for a certain amount of time or indefinitely depending on the user's chakra capacity.

(3rd view pov)

The girl began walking through the forest to where she sensed the most people as well as the strongest surge of traces of Kaguya's chakra, a place where she sensed the largest amount of ocular abilities.

She soon arrived at the leaf village gate, her legs tired and dirty, had she not floated here and there she would've gotten blisters from the rough soil,thorns and rocks, same with her dress and her hair levitating slightly behind her, avoiding the ground. Her long white hair and pale skin as well as her eyes did not go unnoticed by the people walking in and out of the gate as well as some shinobi who were standing near who just stared at her. People walking past avoided her flowing hair, she walked through the gate and towards the men in the guarding post who she assumed could be of service.

"hy, do you know where my sister Kaguya is?" She asked softly, giving them a smile.

"Im not quite sure if we know anyone named Kaguya, can you describe her?" One of the two male ninja guards asked.
She shook her head,"she's got long hair like me i guess?" She said, 'did she run from her own wedding or something?' one guard whispered to the other referring to the veil and got hushed by the other immediately.

"Im sorry kid, but we wouldve noticed someone had hair like yours, trust me" he assured, a wry smile on his face, she knew he was telling the truth,she sensed no anormally in his chakra as he told her this. "Where are you from?" He asked, the girl knew she couldnt just tell them at this time, especially if they claim to not know Kaguya. "Im not really sure, i lost.my memory all i know is i need to find my sister".

The two ninja shared a look and then looked around, "Hey, Guy,Rock Lee! Over here!" he yelled while waving the 2 over. The girl turned to look at who he was waving at. The 2 walked over looking excited and all smiles, wearing green full-body jump suits.

"Hey you two, wanted to welcome the leaf's prideful Green beast back home!!" He said loudly,making people stare at not just the girl. Lee,after basking in the greatness of his teacher, noticed the girl, "oh, hey who are you?" he asked. The girl looked from his teacher to him calmly, "my name is (Y/N), and you are?". They did an overdramatic introduction of themselves, the girl looking at them nonchalantly asked, "why are you guys so loud?". "BECAUSE WE ARE PROUD AND THE PRIDE OF THE LEAF!!" they both yelled making poses.

She looked back at the guards, "can you help me?", "oh right!" said one guard, remembering why he called the duo over. "Guy, Lee, im not sure what to do here but since your a pretty strong shinobi Guy can you take her to the hogake so he can decide what to do with her? Or if he can maybe help her? She said she lost her memory and is looking for her sister" he said.

"Oh no, are you okay? How did it happen? Did someone come after you?" asked Lee in concern. "Im fine and im not being chased, i just had a very bad fall and woke up with only recollection or my sister" she said. "Okay, well dont worry anyway 'cause me and Guy Sensei will protect you!!! No one will touch you as long as we're around (Y/N)!"

(Y/N) smiled, "thank you" she said "but i dont think i need your protection" she thought. "Dont worry guys, me and Lee will take her to the hokage" Guy said, then looked at the girl "are you all set?", she nodded and off they went.

"By the way, your hair is so long and pretty! And your eyes, are you a hyuga like Neji?*gasp* Sensei maybe she's a Hyuga and thats where her sister is? Maybe she cut her hair?" Lee questioned. "Hmmm...worth a shot, lets go to the training ground and ask Neji first then to the hokage after,alright?" ,"yeah!!!! Lets do it sensei!!!", "but first lets get (Y/N) overhere some shoes, and clothes too maybe, that dress looks dirty" they said and Lee cheered again.

([Y/N] POV)

"These two are so loud, and making plans for me as if im not here,arg. But i must say they're pretty good company and i can tell they're kind" i thought. I walked behind them while they talked amongst themselves and occasionally asked me questions but never waited for me to answer, so i didnt. People stared and gawked as we walked past, i ignored them. We walked to a crowded area, where we again got looks and people avoided my hair. We got into stores and they bought me shoes and new clothes, then went to what i think is a bath house?

"In here you just gotta get yourself cleaned up and change into these clothes *he put the clothes and shoes into my hands*,okay?" I nodded and walked into the woman's side, "we'll be waiting for you out here doing push ups!!" Guy yelled from outside.

It took about an hour but i was soon done, luckily the place was empty.
They bought me a thigh length white dress and white shinobi open sandals,i then put my hair up in a high pony tail thereafter it didnt go beyond my feet and hanged just above the ground,reaching the soles of my shoes. I walked outside to find them actually doing push ups "eight hundred and ninety-eight, eight hundred and ninety-nine. Nine hundred!" Guy counted then stood up after 900, same with Lee. "Oh good your done! Lets go meet Neji and Tenten! Hehe" he smiled, a twinkle in his teeth, Lee cheered and i nodded, off we went.

After a while of walking, we went to a forest opening and saw a girl and boy training. "Hello Neji, Hello Tenten, we're back!! How are you guys?!" Lee greeted, "And we also brought a someone!!" Guy added as we walked towards them and they stopped what they were doing and  turned to face us.

"Huh? The byakugan? Do you know her Neji?" The girl asked the guy who i assumed was Neji. He crossed his arms and looked me up and down,"no, not that i know of" he then stared down at my forehead and scoffed. "So she's not a hyuga?" Lee questioned. "Not one i know of, plus she'd have the mark if she was".
They all remained quiet and looked at me. "So do you know someone named Kaguya? She said thats the name of her sister she's looking for" Lee said, "there is no one by that name within the hyuga clan,where exactly did you say your from?" Neji asked.

"I dont remember" i replied with a calm smile, Neji squinted his eyes in suspicion. "So what's your name?" The girl asked, "my names-","(Y/N)!" Lee interrupted. "Oh alright, my names Tenten and this guy is Neji, pleasure to meet you" she said, i nodded in acknowledgement. Then looked at the white eyed boy who still had suspicious eyes on me, "I like your eyes, they are strong, not the best but strong enough visually" i complimented, "whats that supposed mean?" Neji asked seeming a bit fazed.

"Exactly that" i said with a smile, "Oh yea" Tenten hit her palm with a first as if a judge at court who came to a sudden conclution, "you also have the byakugan right? How good is your gentle fist? Maybe you and Neji can have sparring match" 

I tilted my head in confusion, "can you describe exactly what gentle fist style is?" I asked. They all looked at me

Team Guy: "Huh?!!!!!"

To be continued...

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