Chapter 10

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Dawn, Spark, and Pachirisu were sneaking their way into the Crimson Mirelands. The Pearl clan, who were still not happy about what they had done to Lord Kleavor and were hunting them down. They did manage to get some supplies, including a tent from the Ginkgo guild, but they still had to be careful. Pachirisu was currently scouting since Dawn was very concerned about Spark, who had gotten rather chubby over the last month they had been sneaking past and hiding, and none of them knew how or why this was happening to the former human.

Once the group of one human and two Pokémon had finally made it into the Mirelands, they followed the river, noticing an island in the middle that they could not get to do to neither Pokémon being a water-type. They were about to turn further inland when they were attacked by another Alpha Pokémon. Pachirisu tried to fend them off and protect both Spark and Dawn, but as she was about to win, she got stuck in the mud and was about to be hit, when Spark used a powerful Thunderbolt to protect her, before groaning and panting softly.

Meanwhile, on the island Piplup and Pikachu were getting in another argument when they saw a powerful thunderbolt.

"Lup Piplup (I get the feeling that attack is familiar.)" Piplup noted with a side-eyed look directed at Pikachu, who gave him a cheeky grin.

"Pi Pikapi! Pi Pi Ka-pika! (It must be Ash, I mean Spark)" Pikachu said smiling brightly and turning to look in the direction that the Thunderbolt came from.

With that, Piplup put Pikachu on his back and swam through the river, heading to the thunderbolt origin.

Meanwhile, back with the others.

"Spark, what's wrong?" Dawn said the female Pikachu, seeing how Spark's internal body was glowing, barely noticeable beneath the chub, but becoming stronger. "Wait isn't that where your electricity gathered when you two took down Kleavor?"

"Pachi Chi! Chi Pachi! (I think it is, but that was a month ago! Why is it showing up now?)" Pachieisu said before they started in shock when Spark began glowing like she was evolving only for the glow to seperate into two, one a longer chubby Spark, and much to their suprise, a Pokémon egg, causing Pachirisu to pale. "Chi Chipa? (Oh my Mew! Did I accidentally get Spark pregnant?)"

This caused all of them to be in shock, before Spark recovered and walked up to Pachirisu.

"Pi Pika Kachu. Pi Pi Chu Pika! Pikachu. (Just so you know, you will be helping me take care of this child. I want my child to have both parents. And I won't let you run away.)

"Chi Pachi? (I won't. In fact, I was gonna ask you if you would be willing to become my mate?)" Pachirisu asked, her face going bright red at the thought of her and Spark as mates. "Chi Pachi Chipa! (I believe parents should be together and you are someone I can see myself loving.)

"Pi Pikachu! Pichu Pi. (Sure, I'd lovexto be your mate, Pachirisu.)" A blushing Spark said as Pikachu and Piplup arrived, freezing and gaping in shock upon seeing the Pokémon egg.

The group then continued on, Piplup avoiding Spark while Pikachu walked on the other side of her, as Pachirisu walked with her to help carry the egg. Eventually, they found a source of food and had a couple good nights rest with Pikachu being asked to be godparent, before they made their way to the next mark on the map, where they found a Pokémon glowing gold. It was obviously a grass and fighting type so they left Piplup watching the egg as they attacked. Eventually they defeated the Pokémon, only to have to run away from the diamond clan who called the Pokémon Lady Lilligant.

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