Chapter 1

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Ash was walking through the forest alone, since Dawn was looking for a new Pokémon, while Brock was shopping, and Pikachu went with him to try to get more Ketchup.

"Hey, Ash!" Ash turned to see a girl with dark-colored hair and wearing a cloak-like cape and a hat.

Ash's eyes widened in both shock and surprise. It was Lily.

"It's been a long time." The girl said with a bright smile and a small tilt of her head. "How've you been?"

Ash beamed and smiled even wider. "I've been good. It's been a while since I last saw you." He blinked and tilted his head to the side. "What brings you to Sinnoh?"

She giggled and held up a book for him to see.

"Are you looking for some new spells?" Ash guessed with a questioning look crossing his face.

Lily smiled and nodded her head. "Yup, you're spot on! Hey, I know! Maybe you could help me!" She spoke with an excused bounce in her step. "Would you mind helping me with a spell?"

Ash winced, remembering what had happened the last time he volunteered to help her with one of her spells.

But he couldn't say no to a friend, so he nodded his head with a friendly smile on his face. "Sure I can help, what do you need me to do?"

She giggled and began to flip through the pages of her book. Her face lit up at a certain point on the page she was currently reading and she looked up to Ash with a wide, happy grin.

Ash gulped and prepared for whatever she had in store for him.

Alright." She smiled. Lily added the last ingredients together in the pot, then turned to face Ash. "Are you ready, Ash?"

"Ready!" Ash nodded. Lily smiled.

Lily nodded back and then stood over the potion.

"Shuckle's shell run amok! Stantler's horn and all the rest! Finish it off with a final blast!" she chanted with a wink.

Upon speaking those words, the potion bubbled up and over the top of the cauldron, turning into a vapor that quickly surrounded Ash.

The vapor covered him completely. After a moment, the vapor started to clear and so did his head, but the first thing he heard was Lily gasp in shock.

"Pika Pika! Pika Pi Pikachu?" Were the words that came out of his mouth instead of human speech.

He gasped and put a hand - err - paw over his mouth in shock.

"P-pika? PIKA!?" He gasped. His eyes widened even more when he heard the voice coming out of his own mouth, one now near-identical to Pikachu's.

"Pika Pika! Pi Pikachu Pi!" The situation was just too much for Ash. He held his head and screamed again in frustration before he ran off into the woods in a full-blown panic.

Lily just stood there, shocked as she watched Ash run away and dash into the forest.


Once the stars had finally faded from his vision and his head slowly started to clear from the fog it had been in, Ash slowly began to register in the back of her mind that everything seemed a whole lot bigger than he last remembered.

"Not again! I just knew something like this would happen!" Ash muttered to himself, before looking at his body, and seeing yellow fur, and realizing his senses were greatly increased though he had ran far enough that he could no longer find where he started, causing him to sigh. "And I'm a Pikachu again."

Though something still felt off, which was when he caught sight of his tail.

"A heart shaped tail? But that means I'm a female Pikachu!" Ash yelped as panic started to fill her mind. "I need to find Dawn and Brock, maybe one of them can help me!"

With that she ran in the direction she hoped was the city.

Ash ran through the forest in her new female Pikachu state trying to find someone that could help now that Lily had disappeared after another mess up when she bumped into something.

"What was that?" Ash asked, shaking her head and looking up and seeing she was looking at the ankles of a pair of pink boots. "These look familiar."

Looking up, Ash saw she had bumped into Dawn, and like she saw she only came up to her ankles.

"Dawn it's me, Ash!" Ash called, waving his - now her -arms frantically and shouting in a panic.

"A female Pikachu?" Dawn said to Ash's confusion. "Well, Ash's Pikachu is really nice, so hopefully this one is too. I'm gonna catch it."

"Oh no, she can't understand me!" Ash said as Dawn released Buneary.

Ash tried to run away not bothering to get Buneary's help, knowing Dawn's Pokémon are loyal to her, only for Buneary to catch her with Ice Beam, the last things she saw before passing out was a pokeball heading right for her.

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