Chapter 5

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After finishing up her lecture on why attacking your fellow teammates was wrong, Dawn had quickly returned Piplup to his pokeball and started making her way to the next town. As Dawn walked along the dirt-covered path ahead of her, she kept trying to figure out what would be a good and suitable punishment for the others for what they had done to both Spark and Pachirisu. As she was thing things over in her mind, she passed by a small lake, not one of the big ones with Mesprit, Uxie, or Azelf in them, but still large enough to play in and have some fun.

"Hm, well, I guess this'll be a good way to both help Sppark and Pachirisu have some fun, while punishing the others for what they did." Dawn muttered quietly to herself before letting the Pokémon out. Ambipom, Buneary, and Piplup subtly (They didn't want Dawn to see after all) glaring at Spark, who couldn't hold in her instinctive flinch when she saw them.

"Okay everyone, listen up. This is for both fun and for punishment." Dawn started to explain, getting the others to look at her, a bit confused. But before anything else could be said, Dawn continued to speak. "So, here's what's gonna happen. Me, Spark, Pachirisu, and Mamoswine can enjoy the lake, but since Ambipom, Piplup, and Buneary beat up Spark and Pachirisu enough that they needed medical care, that lasted a few hours they will be punished by not being allowed to join the fun. Hopefully this will teach you not to seriously injure your teammates."

And with those last few words, Dawn turned around and went into the lake with Spark and Pachirisu while Mamoswine decided that the lake was too cold for him, since he was used to finding hot springs and as a ground type is not a big fan of water and took a nap.

"Pip Piplup. Lup Pip! (I can't believe we can't play in the water with them. I mean, come on! I'm a water type Pokémon for Arceus sake.) Piplup mutted aloud while glaring and crossing his arms of his chest.

"Bun...bun ear buneary. Bun bun ry. (Well, I mean... we do kinda deserve it. And besides, if we had kept that up a little bit longer, we could have killed them. I may not like them, but even I have to admit that we went a little bit too far.)" Buneary sighed softly to herself as she watched the others play in the water without them.

"Pip/Am. (Agreed.)" The other two Pokémon just nodded their heads numbly in response.

They then turned around and looked out at the lake at the others playing in the water and having the time of their lives. Spark and Pachirisu took turns jumping off of Dawn's body as they tried to make the biggest cannonball.

"Am Ambi! Ambi Ambipom. (I know that Ash has been through a lot.) It's Ambipom scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Am Ambi! Pom Ambipom. (But, even still, what are the chances that she is really Ash)" She scowled at the thought and angrily smacked a nearby rock into the lake with one of her tails.

"Piplup Pip! Piplup Pip. (And besides, she may have the same accent as Ash does, but humans can't become Pokémon! That's just not possible)" Piplup mumbled mostly to himself while scowling out at the lake as Dawn, Spark, and Pachirisu started a three way splash war.

"Bun bu eary Buneary, bun bun. (And while Ash's adventure is crazy and outright weird at times, even if he did become a Pokémon, it would be a male, not a female like her.)" Buneary said as Spark tried to avoid a splash with Quick Attack, only to find out that underwater it acted almost like Aqua Jet and let her breathe from the normal energy reacting to the water like air.

"Pom/Bun/Pip! "It's not true.) They all said in perfect sync. (It can't be! There's no way.)" The three watching Pokémon sighed yet again while shooting glares at Spark when Dawn wasn't looking.

Once the sun was beginning to go down, Dawn packed up the rest of her things, returned her Pokémon to their pokeballs and began making her way to the nearest Pokémon Center to stag the night and get some much-need sleep after the fun-filled and somewhat stressful day she had had.

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