Chapter Δ

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Being stuck on a case sucked. Connor had gone through all the sources he could check, ran through them twice, and even asked Hank for a few pieces of information he might know. Hank was far more in tune with the "street crowd" than Connor was. He blamed it on the fact he was an android. Hank blamed it on his choice of clothes. Too clean. Too fancy. Not enough tears.

Then a brilliant idea made its way through his processor.


Unfortunately, it was her day off. Connor had not seen her all day so he asked Hank about it. Apparently, she liked her day off to be on every other Saturday. Hank did say it would be helpful to grow their relationship if they spent more time together. He assumed spending time together outside of work was a part of that. Connor didn't have many interests or things to do outside of work besides taking care of Sumo, maybe this would help in that aspect. So Connor left work a little early with a few files in his hand and made his way to Andrea's house.

Finding her address wasn't hard, he simply asked Hank for it. He was a little weary at first but he couldn't say no to Connor. It wasn't like he was gonna do something weird. He hoped...

Connor knocked on the door of the house, admiring it for a moment. Compared to some of the more modern homes in the area, this looked fairly old but nice. It wasn't crumbling apart or anything of the sort.

After a few moments, Andrea opened the violet door and cocked an eyebrow at him. It looked like she'd just gotten out of bed. Her hair was messy, she only wore a graphic t-shirt with shorts and a pair of socks. Connor greatly appreciated the way she looked dressed up but being dressed down was a totally different thing. He liked this version of her too.

Not to mention, he could see the edges of different tattoos on her thighs and the curves of her legs. Ones he hadn't got the chance to see before.

"Hey, Connor. What's up?" Andrea asked, leaning against her door frame.

Connor had to cough to remind himself why he was there. "I have a case I'm stuck on and I'd like a new pair of eyes to see what I'm missing. If anything." He smiled kindly.

Andrea hummed and moved out of the way to let Connor inside. She glanced around the house for a moment and sighed. Perhaps she thought it was messy? It wasn't. Just a bit of clutter strewn about here and there.

Connor's eyes carefully scanned the house while Andrea closed the front door. It seemed most of the furniture came from second-hand stores but it was cleaned and nicely paired with everything else. All her appliances were a glossy black which he assumed wasn't common. There were framed posters on the walls, some in Greek, most in English. They were all movie posters. Pop culture stuff that Connor hadn't been introduced to yet. Hank was mostly into early 2000s and 90s pop culture.

Andrea sat at the kitchen table and held out her hand. "Lemme see the file."

Connor sat next to her and set it in her hands, watching her intently. He's seen the way she scanned a file from across the room. Seeing it up close was a different story. Andrea spread out all the photos and quickly looked over the other papers. The case was on a red ice dealer. Someone who decided to add more thirium to make it that much more toxic to the human body, causing many casualties while they didn't feel a thing.

"He's refining his craft." Andrea hummed, pointing to a few spots. "During the first few weeks of this, only a few clients were dying and the crystals seemed to be more jagged. Now, they look more like pearls. People are getting killed more often." She explained, glancing at Connor. She then pursed her lips. "It's fair to say this guy had a background with androids and chemistry since he's getting a lot of thirium somehow. I'd say maybe a mechanic of some sort. Perhaps he's mad he's out of a job and this is how he's making a living now?"

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