"Run laps for all we care kid", Reed chuckled and I deflated in relief slightly, I was unsure on how they'd answer that.

"You always say we have to stay-,", Amelia began to speak before being elbowed by her twin, "ow".

"Are you okay honey?", it took me a good few seconds to realise Delilah was talking to me, all eyes now looking in my direction as I raked my hair back with vibrating fingers.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine", I cleared my throat, reaching for my fork with a wince, I was seeing fucking double at this point.

"You're shaking", Prescott commented, squeezing my shoulder, "what have you eaten today?".

"This?", I lifted a shoulder and literally felt him stiffen, "it's fine- I'm-,".

"You're not fine", he snapped, "uh, do you guys have any juice?".

"Xav honey, pour some orange juice from the fridge", Delilah called over to my brother as I lowered my fork, closing my eyes for a moment.

"You look white as hell man", Caleb's voice filled my ears and I ignored him, "hurry up Xav".

"I'm coming, I-,", I opened my eyes just as my fourteen year old brother came over with the glass.

And then he fucking tripped.

And poured the whole glass over Amelia's back.

The high-pitched scream that came from the thirteen year old made me wince, Theo and Caleb burst out laughing, and Xavier gasp.

"Stay there Lia, I'll get a towel", Reed stood abruptly, amusement in his tone, "Theo, get Zane that juice". I bowed my head when my vision doubled again, Prescott's hand running up and down my back slowly as Xavier's repetitive apologies filled the room.

"I'm so sorry Amelia", he said for the thousandth time, "I didn't mean to".

"It's so sticky", she groaned, Caleb's laughter still ongoing.

"He said he didn't mean it", Alexander chimed in, defensiveness in his voice, "accidents happen all the time".

I lifted my head the second my brother tapped my shoulder, a new glass of orange juice now in front of me; he had to fucking help me lift it to my mouth with the rate my hands were shaking.

Wasn't this the dinner from hell?

"My pod", I muttered to Prescott once I'd finished the whole glass and cleared my throat, "it needs changing".

"Now?", he asked to which I nodded, "okay". His presence vanished from beside me and a new one replaced it; the distinctive voice that came from my left telling me that it was Chase who had shuffled into the seat.

"You okay?", he asked, "sorry- stupid question".

"I'll be fine", I told him, "how's your headache?".

"Basically gone", he replied and I hummed, "why didn't you eat anything today?". Not him too.

"Busy", was all I said, hearing the front door open and close.

"Too busy to keep yourself functioning?", he asked to which I merely lifted a shoulder, "you're something else".

"So I've been told", I sighed, peeling my eyes open and looking at Xavier who was watching Reed wrap Amelia in a towel guiltily.

"I really am sorry", he said again, a snort coming from Theo.

"Don't apologise Xav, you did- did us a uh, a favour", he grinned from the other side of Chase, I shifted my attention to the doorway where Prescott was hovering, my medical bag in hand; I guess today was a lesson learned.

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