Chapter Fifteen - Life Goes On

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[3rd POV]

After the complications in Herculopolis, Gohan decided to focus on limiting himself and blending in with the students who learned alongside him. Although he definitely had a lot of trouble, accidentally unveiling his strength on many occasions, the other teenagers were surprisingly unaware.

The only person who seemed suspicious of him was Videl. She interrogated him constantly, ignoring his obvious signs of discomfort, and it was beginning to effect Gohan. These bizarre questioning sessions were thankfully concluded as Gohan managed to escape and make his way back home.

He needed to think of a way to cover himself, as to prevent other students and humans from following him around the same way Videl currently was. After some thinking, Gohan decided to ask Bulma for help creating his own disguise for when he ventures out as a hero, helping the people.

The hybrid offered a quick goodbye to his family before he left to speak with the blue-haired scientist. She was rather easy to reach, given their history, and was quick to answer his calls. She welcomed him inside, and Gohan explained the situation regarding Videl, the city, and his hero guise.

Bulma: "Hmm... A complete transformation so they won't know who you are..."

Gohan: "That's right. Can you think of anything?"

Bulma: "Duh! I'm a genius! I could reduce a costume to particles and put it in a capsule!"

Gohan looked at Bulma in shock. He hadn't expected the woman to provide such a response to his request. He gave her a thankful smile, with an aura of excitement, and then stood up from the couch he was previously using. Bulma smiled at his excitement, reminded of his youth.

Gohan: "Really?! How soon can you make it?!"

Bulma: "Well, considering the smaller size compared to the rest of the capsule products I've made, I can probably have it ready for you in two hours."

Gohan: "Thanks! I really appreciate it!"

The woman merely chuckled at his childish wonderment before moving down the hall towards her office, preparing to begin the process of developing the capsule. Alone in the main diving room, Gohan decided to look around for Trunks and distract himself until Bulma was finished with the project. He decided to search the Gravity Room first.

Moving towards the chamber, and offering a quick greeting to Bulma's father, Gohan soon found himself lost amongst the collective of maze-like rooms. The building was quite large, and he still found himself getting lost. He scratched the side of his black hair and continued searching for him.

He was eventually pulled from his investigation when the person he'd been searching for -Trunks- appeared from a nearby door in a black Gi and towel on his shoulders. The hybrid child offered Gohan a wide smile before speaking.

Trunks: "Gohan! When'd you get here?!"

Gohan: "Hey, Trunks! I actually just got here. I needed to speak with Bulma, that's all. So, I hear your dad's started properly training you lately?"

Trunks: "Yeah! It's awesome!"

Moments after, the Saiyan Prince in question appeared in the hall. He noticed Gohan speaking with his son, and he approached them with a neutral expression on his face. Trunks offered his father a smile, which Vegeta was quick to ignore, as he looked towards Gohan with a deep glare.

Gohan: "Uh... Good to see you..."

Vegeta: "You look out of shape. Never get soft in peace time, continue growing in power."

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