Chapter Nine - Nitrate Vs Trunks

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[Nitrate POV]

Everyone backed away as Trunks marched towards me. I could see a fire in his eyes, a deep, furious anger that was focused entirely on me. From the side-lines, Goku and Vegeta stood beside each other with 'disappointment' written all over their faces; Cell was hunting down Android 18, yet the arrogant time traveller insisted on fighting me.

Nitrate: "I should probably deal with you quickly. Cell isn't going to wait around for us to resolve internal conflicts. Or perhaps, we could postpone our fight and--"

Trunks: "Raaaaaaa!!"

I didn't get the chance to finish my sentence as Trunks rushed towards me, a scream breaking through his lips while pulling his fist back to punch me. Rolling my eyes, I easily dodged his fist and pivoted my form to the right, which resulted in the boy breaking through the lookout's surface and building a large cloud of dust.

The Z Fighters began sweating as I continued dodging Trunks' attacks with incredible ease. Goku allowed the shadow of a smile to grace his lips while Vegeta folded his arms, clearly disappointed with his son's mediocre performance. Another ten minutes passed before I grew tired of dodging and lifted my index finger.

With a mere flick, I released a powerful shockwave that sent Trunks flying across the lookout. Everyone looked in shock, not expecting me to unleash that much power against Vegeta's child. I merely chuckled at their bemusement, my eyes filled with glee, before turning my gaze towards Trunks with the hope of ending the battle quickly.

Trunks burst from the rubble and yelled out with rage. His aura began leaking from his body, changing from a transparent white to a brilliant gold as he transformed into a Super Saiyan. Though Goku was a little concerned, unable to determine how much stronger I was than Trunks, and he started to sweat profusely. I continued standing casually.

Trunks: "I'm not done yet, Nitrate!"

Nitrate: "Oh? Then by all means, show me your true power."

With every moment that passed, Trunks' Ki continued to rise until it began pushing the other Z Fighters away. Eventually, they had to use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber as a means of shielding themselves from the constant waves of energy that crashed against them. I had to admit; the boy's power was impressive, but not enough to prove a challenge.

Nitrate: "Eh. It's kinda impressive, I guess."

Trunks: "Excuse me?! What do you mean 'kinda'?!"

Nitrate: "Look, kid, you're pretty strong for your age. Unfortunately, that doesn't matter when you're fighting an alien who grows ridiculously stronger merely through existing. My powers are pretty busted."

The purple-haired teen paused for a moment, as if taking in my words of warning, giving me a momentary hope that he would stop his pointless advances and focus on Cell, but my hopes were instantly tarnished when Trunks looked back at me with new-found resolve. I released an aggravated sigh from my lips.

Trunks raised both arms to the side, a pool of Ki leaking from the palm of his hands, before transforming the energy into large, yellow balls of light. Similar to before, I merely stood with my arms hanging loosely from my shoulders, emphasising my growing impatient for this poor excuse of a fight.

Trunks: "If you're so powerful, then let's see how you handle this next attack!"

Nitrate: ". . .You know, you probably shouldn't tell me when you're about to atta-"

The time traveller ignored my advice and slammed both of his gloved hands together, fusing the once-separate Ki balls into a single source of ground-shattering energy. A powerful gust of wind protruded from Trunks' attack as everyone on the lookout -not including Goku or Vegeta- backed moved inside the lookout to escape the growing storm.

Dragon Ball: Rise of Nitrate [DBZ/DBS X Icejin OC]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang