Chapter Five: The Androids Arrive

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[Nitrate POV]

It's been roughly three years since I arrived on Earth with Goku, and things have been relatively peaceful for the most part. Due to the Z Fighters gathering to train in preparation for the Androids, myself and Goku decided to join them and gain more power, though I highly doubted that training with such low-level humans could offer me any substantial increase in power.

However, during our training sessions, I'd discovered that my power level would increase drastically every few months, which was mainly due to the unfathomable amount of potential that lay within my body; I'd never trained during my time with both King Cold and Frieza, meaning I had plenty of untapped power.

Though my 'training' - if you could even call it that - was going quite smoothly, I was still having immense trouble with convincing a certain female human that I wasn't planning on eating her child and blowing up the planet. That human was none other than Chi-Chi, the wife of Goku; she wasn't exactly ecstatic to hear that the older brother of the man who attempted to kill her son would be staying with her family. 

Luckily for me, both Goku and Gohan managed to convince the raging ex-fighter that I had no ill intentions during my stay in their home, and begrudgingly showed me to the guest room. However, I could swear that I felt the devil's eyes piercing my back every time we were both in the same room.

Chi-Chi eventually warmed up to me after the first year was over - mainly because I helped her cook dinner, and I had amazing table manners compared to her husband. Though she'd still give me the occasional talk about keeping a close watch on my actions and judging me, I understood that she didn't really mean much of what she said anymore and was just hoping to convince me otherwise.

Overall, I was genuinely enjoying my time at the Son family's house, and was kind of hoping that the Androids wouldn't show up in this timeline just so I wouldn't have to leave their side; it was nice being part of a larger family that I could see as my own, even if I was more of a close and trusted friend.

[3rd Person POV]

Three years had come and gone since Nitrate had arrived on Earth and settled into the Son family home, and he was currently in his bedroom preparing for the arrival of the Androids. Of course, unlike the rest of the Z Fighters, the tall Icejin was fully aware that they'd have to deal with five Androids rather than just two, but knew that he could easily handle them if the others ever required his aid.

Quickly cleaning up his room to appease Chi-Chi, Nitrate began the day by entering the kitchen and making himself some breakfast; though he didn't necessarily need to eat food, he still found it satisfying to consume some of the many Earth products that far outclassed the basic nourishment offered when he lived with King Cold and Frieza.

As he was finishing up his breakfast, which consisted of fried eggs and hash browns, Goku walked into the room with his body slouched towards the floor. The moment the aroma of freshly-cooked eggs and hash met the Saiyan's nose, his entire body immediately froze before he rushed towards Nitrate, a large plate held tightly in his grasp.

Goku: "H-hey Nitrate, you making more of that food?"

Nitrate: "Nope! I'm just having a quick breakfast before making my way towards South City."

Goku: "Aw! Nothing for me!?"

Nitrate: "Sorry Goku, but you'll have to cook it yourself of wait for Chi-Chi."

The orange-dressed Saiyan released an inaudible grumble before shifting towards the sitting room, whispering out a quiet "I'll wait for Chi-Chi" as he sat upon the couch. Nitrate chuckled to himself before taking his food to the kitchen table, digging into his meal with great merriment. However, this moment of joy was short-lived as Chi-Chi walked into the room and began yelling at Goku about bothering Nitrate with cooking breakfast.

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