Chapter three

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Iris's Pov

Iris's dream

Trees were being thrown and fire was burning all around. A glint of silver and said object plunged itself into my mother. "Mother!!" Her smile was pained but it was also filled with love.

End dream

Sitting up with a yelp as your eyes wandered across the room. "Are you alright?" Turning to the woman who entered the room holding two rabbits. I observed her this must have been the woman Apollo and your mom told you about. "I'm alright." Standing up and stretching your body you walked over to her to help her with the rabbits.

"No Iris I can do this why don't you go meet your brother he's out in the mines. Take the path and go to the left it leads towards the mines." She smiled as she sat and started skinning the rabbits. I nodded and walked out of the small place that I now called home. Taking the path and following the sound coming from the mines I could make out the outline of my brother.

"Umm hello!" Calling out to him making him stop midswing and turn around at a neck-breaking speed. "You are awake!" He dropped the pick axe and walked up to me and stood in front of me. It was awkward as we both started at each other thoughts were probably running through our heads quickly. "You're my brother," I spoke slowly. "You're my sister." I just nodded slowly at his words unsure of what to expect.

"It's kinda weird finding out you have a sibling that's your little sister." He spoke poking my forehead. "Oh, hush! I just found out I had a brother yesterday before my mom was slaughtered." swatting at his hand. "Sorry about that by the way." He spoke softly scratching the back of his head. "I'm heron my mother said your name is Iris."  He turned and put the last of the minerals from the mountain in the bag. "Yes, my names Iris your mother has sent me to meet you and spend time with you before dinner." I watched as he slung the sack over his shoulder and started walking down the hill with me hot on his heels.

"Let me run this to the market I'll meet you back for dinner we can talk more than okay little sister?" You smiled and nodded as he made his
way down the path. Once he was far enough you decided to follow him. Once you made it to the market you looked around in awe since you and your mother lived around no one. There were pretty fabrics being sold along with vases. Turning my head towards the left I could see Heron. Walking up to him slowly listening in on the conversation.

"How much for ore today?" Heron asked setting down the sack of ore. The older male turned around and looked at the bag. "Two drachmas for the lot of it." He answered throwing the drachmas on the ground. "Two drachmas? That's it? I got a little sister and mother to feed." Placing his hands on the bag of ore to stop him. I walking up to Heron and placed a hand on his shoulder after I picked up the drachmas and handed it to him. "Iris I thought you went back to mother." He looked at me with confusion. "Sorry but I haven't been around lots of people and I wanted to see the market." I explained as we walked towards another part where we found Electra.

"So how did it go?" Heron held out his hand with the drachmas in it. "What about the rest of it?" She asked looking at the siblings. "We were lucky to get this." Reaching her hand out Electra placed her hand on Heron's shoulder and then turned to me with a small smile on her face.

Screams and people running by cause us to turn in their direction. Only for Heron to pick up a torch and walk to the source. Only for a group of people on horse to appear. Not long after they left Heron found someone named Elias. "Iris go with Heron to get some water." I nodded and followed after him to see this thing fighting Heron. Seeing the colum thrown at him I jump punching the demon as the same woman from earlier pierced the demon and continued fighting it.

"Heron! Are you okay?" I kneeled by him as he lifts the colum off his body. "I'm fine Iris let's get back." I nodded and followed him as we met up with Electra and Elias helping him over to the crowd of people.

Watching on as the woman named Alexia stabbed the fire poke on the mans chest causing him to scream out in agony. Then again just to have him show his true form skin a sicken gray with red lines running through him it was unsettling. Words were spoken and the guys head fell down the steps.

'What is this?'


Guess I gotta start updating with a new season of blood of Zeus on the way!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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