The way his eyes were looking at her, Cara knew he wasn't at all good news, she made a mental note to ask Cora who he was later on, for now, she needed to spend time with her sister, it's been ages

Present day

Cora alone knew how lonely she felt when her tutor was always trying to molest her, the helplessness she felt back then was something she never wanted to feel again.

But a few days ago, she felt it and even worse.
At least with her tutor, he never did rape her, he just groped her inappropriately, but Dimitri had taken her innocence.

She'd begged him but he didn't listen, she'd tried to get him to at least listen to her but he didn't.
He'd raped her brutally.

She hadn't gone out since that day, Ivan kept coming to check on her everyday, he brought food for her but she barely ate, she didn't really have appetite for food.

She hadn't seen Dimitri since then.
He's probably somewhere jubilating because he'd won in the end.
He'd broken her.

She was sitting on the edge of her bed just looking at the white walls, when the door opened and Ivan walked in.

He stopped and looked at her for a while, she hadn't spoken to him since it happened, not even a word, she'd been like this and it worried him greatly.

He knew she was hurting, but he didn't know what to do to get her to talk to him, keeping it in won't help.
He had barely spoken to Dimitri either since he took out all his anger on him.

He wants to blame Dimitri for what happened but he can't, he wants to be mad at him forever but he can't.
He knows it wasn't his fault but he couldn't just ignore what happened.

He sat beside her on the bed but she still didn't move or acknowledge his presence, she'd stopped crying tho, that was something at least.

He breathe out trying to find the words to use for her, he'd been trying to get her to open up, at least tell him how it happened but nothing.

Dimitri hadn't told him either how it happened.
After a while he decided to speak up

"Are you okay"? He asked and she just nodded, like she always does whenever he asked
He breathe out and ran his hands through his face trying to see how he would start the conversation again because it wasn't really getting him the results he wanted.

"Cara" he breathed out

"Cora" her voice came out croaky and void of any emotions, in days this will be the first time she'd be saying something and that was what she said, he looked at her in confusion and she breathe out before deciding to speak again "Cora, that's my name" she told him, she'd decided to tell him the truth, because to her there was nothing Dimitri would do that he hasn't already done yet, she didn't care anymore If he knew she wasn't Cara

Ivan's eyes widen a bit before he realized she was actually telling him what he'd been suspecting for a while now

"Cara is my twin sister, she's the one Dimitri wanted" she added still looking in front of her.

It took a while for Ivan to process what she'd just told him, so she wasn't Cara, he knew it.

"Our parents always kept me hidden from the public, Cara was always the one in the news, especially after she came back from her training" she explained further to him.

"I'm the weak one out of the both of us" she breathe out

"Why didn't you say anything"? Ivan whispered trying to understand why she'd let herself suffer that much in place of her sister

"If I did, he'd have killed me from the first day, because he doesn't have any use for me" she said.

Ivan decided that it was time she knew why she'd had to suffer innocently, why Dimitri hated Cara that much that he was ready to go that far to see her suffer.

She needed the closure

"He had a fiance once" he started making Cora look at him "Dimitri" he added "he loved her so much he would do anything for her, she was his life, they were set to get married but they never got the chance to" he said remembering how much they loved each other.

"Three months before they got married she was kidnapped, taken away by your sister" he told her "Dimitri did everything in his power to find her and save her but it all came back negative, we knew Cara had taken her but we didn't know on who's orders" he breathe out.

"He never gave up hope, he believed we'd find her and we did, a year later we received a package with no return address and when we opened the box...." He paused to steady his heartbeat, he hated remembering this memory because it always gave him a tight feeling In his chest "We found her head inside with a note and USB, we played the USB and what we saw there almost killed Dimitri" he explained

"There were tons of videos of her being raped brutally by men, Fabio was the one that ordered the kidnap" Cora knew exactly who he was talking about, Fabio was Lorenzo's father but why did he do it and why did he send Cara.

"More than 50 men raped Veronica, for a year she was kept in his basement while his men molested and brutalized her body" Ivan couldn't keep the tears back anymore, they were already falling "until he finally killed her and sent Dimitri her head" he sighed out

Cora could see the pain in his eyes as he talked about it, she felt the pain.
She gently put her hands on his and squeezed it gently

"It broke Dimitri, he was never the same after that day, and year after year he became worse, she was the light to his darkness and Fabio killed her"

They both stayed in silence, each of them lost in their spiral of thoughts.
She finally knew why Dimitri hated Cara so much, she'd taken away his happiness, the woman he loved.

But it still didn't justify the fact that he raped her.
"I had a feeling you weren't Cara" Ivan voiced out making Cora look at him
"I saw her that night, because I was with Veronica when she was taken, I saw Cara that night and when I met you, i just knew you weren't her, you look like her but there were a lot of thing about you that didn't add up" he said

"I'm sorry for what he did to you" he said meeting her eyes "if I knew he was going to go that far I would have taken you back to Enzo a long time ago" he voiced out his regret.

If he knew she wasn't Cara and Dimitri would go this far with her, he would have taken her away from here a long time ago.

He blames himself for what happened, but Cora doesn't, she knew it wasn't his fault.

They both didn't know that Dimitri had heard everything, he was standing just outside her room.
He had come to apologise but stopped when he heard their voices.

He felt a shit ton of guilt settle in his chest, he had raped her, and now he just confirmed from her own mouth that she is not Cara.
How was he gonna live with this guilt?

So the truth is finally out 😲😲😲

They now know that Cora is not Cara

What do you think will happen??

Untamed (A mafia story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن