Planning, but having Doubts

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5 days until the party... and Claire hadn't planned anything. At least there wasn't much to be done though.

She had a good idea of how to use the resources from the Bonnie package and C.C. didn't have many classmates he wanted to invite. The only person he wanted to invite was Charlotte...

At least Benson's sister, Cassidy, could come to accompany the birthday boy. She is 10, only 2 years older than he will be on his birthday. Mrs.Afton hoped the slight age gap wouldn't be a hindrance to their company together. But she heard from Mike that Cass was tomboyish, so maybe that would help bridge the gaps.

Then, of the few classmates she did invite, they declined the invitation. The twins, Matthew and Patrick, had a theater recital to perform for. Plus, the few who did accept, were deterred because of the recent incidents with the missing— murdered—kids.

So this was one time to be grateful to Michael's buddies; for having siblings.

With attendance out of the way, and deciding on C.C. 's pizza (which he likes pineapple pizza), and other essentials, Claire would figure out which table. She already knew which table to choose though.

William once told her which table was best. A table far from the exit for avoiding possible runaways, although perfectly placed to get the best view and earshot of the performance stage. Also a good distance from the bathroom, not too inconveniently far, but not close enough to smell how unsanitary it was.

She stood at the table for a while. Smiling at the lively animatronics. They were the oldest, and most basic of the designs for sure, but Claire couldn't help but admire and be in awe of her husband's abilities to make robots feel alive. Not like soulless hunks of metal. Her grin grew when she remembered him hint at a future ballerina animatronic. The wait for it was excruciatingly long. She was dying to see it.

She cast a glance to the large red doors of the entrance/exit. Should she leave? Earlier, she finally left Mike alone to watch the house and his siblings. Second thoughts were making her doubtful. Shaking her head, she reminds herself that he's 15, and knows the emergency contacts. He wouldn't do anything to his siblings. They're fine.

Pulling her focus away from the big red doors, she heads to the side of the performance stage. The curtain extends beyond the stage. Claire pulls it back to reveal a smaller metal door.

"FAZBEAR ENGINEERS ONLY. KEEP OUT", a sign on said door emphasized.

She pushed it open and casually walked in, "Will?"
Inside, all the bright lights, conversations, and smell of pizza was shut out. Here, lighting was dim, and the smells of grime and metal permeated. A desk on either side of the door faced each other; one for Henry, the other for her husband. An open door led to another, larger, room. Used for mechanics and robot maintenance.

Clanking, clicks, and buzzing, was heard further inside. Which was weird because all the animatronics that could be worked on here were currently on stage. She peeked her head cautiously through the door.

"William? Why's Chica here?"  He turns around quickly, startled and disheveled. He had a hand and a wrench in the beak of the large robotic bird.

"Claire," her husband jumped down from the small stool he stood on, "I didn't expect you here."

Had he slept recently? His eye bags were deep, seemingly taking up most of his face. He took Claire in a hug.

"Will-!" she pulled back and looked at his and her clothes, "You're all dirty!"

His smile compares the white of his teeth to the grime on his face, "We match now." She couldn't help but laugh at his remark, "Are the kids alone at home?"

"Yeah, Mike's in charge," She winces at her own statement. His lips disappear in a line. Sadly, both parents really don't believe in their son's ability to handle being independent.

Whether it was their nature or nurture, was hard to say. Claire believed they were good parents—what her kids would review, she could never know. So far the children have become, a bully, a brat, and a crybaby... optimism says they'll grow up fine. Besides, for nature, William said he was a bully to his own brother: the reason he was sent to America in the first place.

"Let's hope Michael hasn't burnt down the house," William jokes.

"Or hurt his siblings."

"Or invited his friends."

"Or run away."

"Or is dead." That last remark catches them both off guard. Just to add to their lists of reasons they won't leave the kids alone.

Mr.Afton grins and presses a kiss on her cheek, "Stay for a little, Love. I miss you."

Hello! Guess what time i wrote this.

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