Prologue - Crumbling Dreams

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Claire looked up to the sky, and it was beautiful.

The sun shone brightly over their house in Utah, the wind blew through trees, and small clouds decorated the blue skies taking shape to entertain her children.

Her youngest son, Evan, laid in the grass pointing out shapes to his sister, Elizabeth. In each of their arms, a plush, fredbear and circus baby.

Her oldest, Micheal, walked out from the house and set himself on the porch. Leaning back in the porch swing he put his foxy mask over his face and rested, as he liked to do a lot.

William pulled up to the driveway in his purple vehicle. He came out, covered in mechanic oil from work. He chased the kids around who were avoiding his hugs and dirtiness. William noticed the unsuspecting Mike on the porch and picked him up in a bear hug while still wearing his grimy shirt. Micheal's exclamations of disgust were funny as Will just continued his joking affections.

Claire's glimmering green eyes pinched at the corners with her smile. She let the breeze pass by herself making her ginger hair and the leaves dance. Mrs.Afton was reminded of a memory: A music box. The music from a music box William gave her at their wedding.

She danced and hummed along with the music box in her mind.

Since childhood, Claire had done ballet classes; now she taught them. Mrs.Afton was so in the zone, that she was caught off guard when her partner joined her.

William had an arm around her waist and his other hand in hers. Ignoring the dirt on his clothes, they danced in their front yard in timeless harmony. Their children, even their surly eldest, in awe. The brilliant man gazed at her endearingly and she returned his looks.

He tried to dip her, but being a bit rusty, they both fell into the grass. They were shocked for a moment, but when the kids huddled over their heads, they all laughed. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the time with her beautiful family.

She opened her eyes— she tried to. But couldn't.

She was so confused and distressed. Let me out! She screamed into nothingness. Where did the sunlight go? Her children? Her husband?

Her vision was gone. She wasn't even seeing blackness. It was an indescribable feeling... or lack thereof.

She was still on the floor except she was heavier now. Her skin and bones now were metal and wire. Then pairs of hands propped her up. She could hear people struggling as they did. When she was finally standing, there was a moment of waiting... ZZZZZTTT!

Pain seared through herself. She wanted to cry, but no tears came.

"Stupid robot," a person said, "Dance."

Another zap. Mrs.Afton had no other choice.

There was the urge to jump at the person hurting her right now, to rip off their face. But she couldn't. Shouldn't.

Her feelings of warmth and love were replaced with those of cold and hostility.

Listening to the same music box that used to show her love, Claire wound herself up like the box itself, and danced.

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