The Lost Lover (Logan & Virgil)

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Concept: Soulmates exist, but two seem to always just pass each other and never find their soulmate. 

TW: Character Death, Car accident, panic attack. (Please let me know if I need to add others.)


The world seemed to be against me. Soulmates, an idea the world seemed to think didn't apply to me. I knew my soulmate was out there. The tattoo on my wrist proved it to me. But I'm in my 30s and still haven't found mine. My friends, Roman and Patton found each other in high school. As did most of the kids I knew. Roman and Patton kept trying to set me up with someone but our schedules never seemed to align.

That was the case again tonight. I was running late, work ran longer and traffic was terrible. I texted Roman to let him know, to which he texted back that this person had to leave soon. I got there 5 minutes too late. When I walked in I knew they had left. Both Patton and Roman looked a little disappointed. I tried to explain, but they just brushed me off. 

The first time, they got called into work early and had to cancel. The second, my mom had an emergency and now this time. I guess we were fated to never meet. Patton, Roman and I did end up having a good time, despite me being late. They both made me promise that I would meet the person the next time. I promise and left. 

Traffic was bad again when I was driving home, not to mention it started to rain. I was having trouble seeing where I was going. The person in front of me slammed their breaks quickly. I luckily was a bit behind them and managed to stop in time. All of a sudden I was jolted forward and hit my head. The world went black...


I was in the middle of work when I got a call from Roman. I was immediately concerned. Patton normally called me. I answered, my anxiety slowly rising. Roman had been crying, I could hear it in his voice. He told me that the person I was suppose to meet tonight, Logan, was in a terrible accident and that he and Patton really needed me there. I quickly told my boss I needed some time off and left. 

I made it to the hospital in record time. When I got inside, I saw Roman and Patton in the waiting room. I walked up to them and Patton immediately pulled me into a hug. I normally didn't like hugs but I knew he needed it. We hugged while he cried into my shoulder. Eventually, he let go and Roman explained that Logan was in critical condition and might not make it. 

I got them some coffee, and sat with them. Finally a nurse came out and said we could visit him. I was going to let the two of them go in, while I went home to shower. Patton, however insisted I go in with them. Something about needing the support. I agreed and the three of us went to the room. 

It was hard to see and I hadn't even officially met him. There was tubes everywhere and a constant beeping. Roman and Patton went right over to him while I hung back. I messed with my hoodie strings, something I did when I was anxious. 

Eventually a doctor walked in. Patton went to talk to him, but before doing so, asked me to take his place. That way if Logan did wake up, someone would be there. I agreed and went over. I took his hand, to give him support when I noticed the tattoo on his arm. My knees went weak and I ended up having to sit on the floor. 

 It suddenly hurt to breathe. My ears were ringing and I could hear every little beep the machines made. Everything seemed to blur together and I could barely register what was going on. I felt arms wrap around me and a gentle voice talk to me. I latched on to the person who was holding me. Everything just seemed to stop. 

I must've passed out, because I woke up on the couch. Roman and Patton were talking quietly in the corner, both looking at me worriedly. When they noticed I was awake, Patton came over to talk to me. He asked me what happened and I quietly explained to him that Logan and I have the same soulmate tattoos. He gasped and looked at me sadly. He pulled me into a hug and said the worst thing. Logan was dying. The doctors didn't think they'd be able to bring him back. Patton and Roman decided it was best to pull the plug. 

The next few days went by in a blur. The moment Logan finally did die, it felt like apart of me was ripped out of me. Despite me wanting to curl up in a ball and die, I knew I had to stay strong from Roman and Patton. We arranged the funeral and he was eventually put in the ground. I moved in with Roman and Patton. I could tell they were never the same after that, but they did try. 

We visit Logan every year, on his birthday. Roman and Patton's kids always look forward to seeing "uncle Logan". We make a day out of it, making a little lunch, getting flowers, writing cards. We enjoy it, though I get very sad during that time. I know nothing will replace him. 

A/N: Hope you guys liked it. I know this one is short than others, but it's also very sad. 

Word count: 913

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