An important lesson part 2

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"Get up ,go strip and lie down in bed"
I wasn't given much of a choice just direct instructions.
"I think my slut needs to be more wet. So I'll kill two birds with one stone. I'll teach you a lesson about the importance of time as I get you wet."
I lay in bed on my stomach as I await further instructions.
I can feel and hear my master moving close to the bed. I could bet on it that he has a grin plastered on his face with a stupid smile. But I can't blame him ass is beautiful.
Between him walking around the bed and the silence, I can't help but twitch from the thought of what he'll do next.
Suddenly my thoughts are disrupted when my legs are pulled until they're touching the ground and my upper body is left on the bed. I don't know what's to come and I feel vulnerable. So I attempt to get up. Even before I could reach far, his hand pulls me back down and I can feel the force behind them. He adjusts me until I'm in his desired position. He kicks my legs and that's the sign that my legs should be wide open for him. He puts his hand between my legs and I'm slightly wet. He then rubs my pussy a little bit and it feels so good. I can't help but moan silently.
I'm brought out of pleasure by a hard slap to my ass. I yelp "Ouuuuch"
And another slap lands, harder than the first one. This one stings and I yelp again as I attempt to rub the sting off with my hand.
Before I could even reach there both of my hands are held and tied up with what seems to be his belt because of the familiarity my hands has with it.
"I don't think I need your hands for now it will be better if they stay away for sometime." He speaks with finality.
I just let out a cry. This is going to be brutal yet I brought this upon myself. That funny video wasn't even worth it.
A harder slap follows and I cry.
"It stings right?"
He's tormenting me to make it hurt worse . I hate when he does that ofcourse it stings.
I mumble an answer to him.
"Don't worry my slut I have something for you that'll help with the sting."
Oooh he's being kind weird!!!
He leaves the room to get something. As soon as I hear his steps fade I don't waste time. I know my ass won't be getting any relief so I attempt to turn over and rubb my ass over the bed to ease the pain. With my hands tied this is proving to be so hard.
Finally!! Some relief. I try going back into position as I hear humming becoming louder but it's too late he's already at the door.
I look at him and my eyes widen. First because he caught me and second because he has a really wide belt. This is wider than the one he puts on. I never expected to find him with one. I try moving as he hastens his feet towards me.
He reaches and turns me over and immediately swings the belt. I let out a scream. Omg it hurts it hurts !!!
"Didn't I tell you not to move slut?"

Even before I can answer, the belt swings again. I scream in pain.
"You did...I'm soooorrryyy"
The belt comes down again. I hate this belt. It really hurts. If this was the something to help with my sting then I'm doomed.
"Then why did you move?" The belt comes down even harder. I'm caught in between answering him or battling the pain I'm receiving
"Why" *belt* "did" *belt* "youu" *belt *belt* "move!?" *Belt*belt*
I scream continuously as tears fall down my cheeks.
"I'm sorrryyy please it really hurts"
"I'm sorryyy"
My hands are tied and I can't move much so I'll have to endure the pain.
*Ten hits from the belt come down continuously; each stinging worse than the other.
"You know how much it hurts me when I see you not listening to me"
He punctuates every word with a belting. I hate it when he scolds me as he punishes me because this way I'll get more hits and definitely more brutal ones.
"It hurts me that you can't carry out a simple task". The belting doesn't stop at all and all I can do is cry and beg.
"I'm sooorrryyy sir pleeease this belt hurts.... please I'm sorry"
The more I cry and beg the more he swings harder.
"I'll see how sorry you are" he says with zero emotions and swings the belt again.
My apologies aren't helping me since the belt hits are just harder and harder.

"Is this better now my slut? Has it helped with the sting?"
He's being sarcastic and now is not really the time to do that.
"Did you ask me if you can move?"
"NOOOOH NOOOH I DIDN'T ASK.....I'm sorry pleeeeaaaseeee"
The hits hurt immensely and I use every energy in my body to try and wriggle away atleast just to reduce the impact.
Before I can move far he holds me down and belts again.
"Don't move your ass bitch. You stay down until I'm done with you."
All that follows is endless hits and the room is filled my screams and the sound of my endless belting.
I take one last chance to plead for mercy. "I'm sooorrryyy. I won't move really hurts siir.....Pleeeaseee"
All I can do now is cry and take the belting. I've lost count and I hold on for every stroke to be the last one but it's not.
I hear the belt landing on the floor and I can feel his hands slap my sore ass.
"It's not only just about you moving your ass whore. You made me wait in the playroom for 20 f***ing minutes. For 20 f***ing minutes you were nowhere to be found. I called you twice".
Still sobbing hysterically, "I'm really sorry sir....I won't repeat it "
He pulls down his pants fully and takes out his cock. He turns me from a side angle to make eye contact. He opens up my lips and spits on my pussy.
"Be ready whore, I'll fuck you hard tonight "
I gasp.

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