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THE GROUP OF FOUR now stood together. The painting which once held a red door and a whole lot of disguised trauma, now a black canvas.

"You need to burn that thing." Chris spoke, lacing her hand through Lizzie's.

"No, no. Forgetting it doesn't work, we need to remember." Dalton objected, his arm already around Stella's waist and his head rested on her shoulder. "Even the things that hurt."

The four quickly set the fairy lights back up and sat in pairs on the opposing beds.

Dalton pulled out his phone and dialled his mothers number.

"Mom, is dad okay?" He asked into the phone once she'd picked up.

"Yes! Yes, are you okay honey?" His mom cried into the phone.

"I'm okay." He smiled into the phone.

Celebrations could be heard at the other end of the line and Dalton smiled down as the girl next to him, leaning on her shoulder as the four began to express their relief.

All four of the young adults stayed with each other that night. Celebrating and hugging each other, grateful that they were all still around to do so.

Lizzie and Chris occupied Chris' old but now current again bed and Dalton and Stella cuddled up together on his bed.

Once the lights had been turned out and the celebrations had come to an end, Stella and Dalton laid face to face in each others embrace.

"Stel?" Dalton whispered.

"Hm?" She murmured back, eyes closed.

"Will you... will you be my girlfriend?"

Stella's eyes shot open and a grin grew on her face, she nodded quickly and pressed her lips to his, him retaliating quickly.

Dalton's lips soon left hers and attached to her neck.

Before they could go any further, Lizzie quickly reminded them that they were unfortunately not alone and their affection would have to be postponed until at least the next evening.


Dalton and Stella stood in his room,   Her sat atop his bed and him finishing a painting.

The two looked better than they had in days and were now glowing with a new type of light.

Dalton wore a bright white summer shirt and Stella wore a pair of straight-leg blue jeans and a baby tee.

She was focused on her book little women so deeply that she didn't even notice the boy stand up until he was leant against the bed next to her, placing his painting on the wall.

She sat up and leaned against his stomach, looking at the painting. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and kissed her head lovingly.

"Wow... I made the wall?"

The two spin round and in the doorway stood a middle age man. The man from the painting. Daltons father.

The two embraced each other as Stella stood up behind Dalton.

Her hands shook, she wasn't prepared to meet his family yet, a little warning would've been nice.

"I love you son."

"I love you too."

The two parted and Daltons father finally noticed the girl stood awkwardly behind them.

"Oh, Hi? I'm Daltons father." He stuck his hand out to the girl, offering her a kind smile.

"Pleasure to meet you Mr lambert." Stella took his hand and smiled.

"Oh Josh, please." He smiled, the crinkles around his eyes deepened as he decided he liked this girl.

"Dad, this is Stella. She's my girlfriend." Dalton stood next to her proudly, putting a hand on the bottom of her back.

"Girlfriend? Wow, your mother will be thrilled, she's been desperate for one of her sons to finally find a girlfriend." The three laughed as Dalton tried to hide his embarrassment. They turned to look at the painting, smiles on all faces.

For the first time since his childhood, Dalton was at peace, with the people he loved at his side.

HEY GUYS! This is sadly the end of Look for the light!

If you guys have any suggestions of like one shots or randoms you'd like to see please let me know! Thank you for reading!

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