"It's pretty early." Charlie frowned when Bella's expression didn't change. "Don't you want breakfast?"

"Oh, I do!" Will said cheerfully, but Bella shook her head firmly.

"Not hungry."

Charlie was blocking the girl's path to the door, and Bella was starting to consider ducking around him and making a run for it. "We'll be back soon, okay?"

Charlie frowned. "Straight to Jacob's house, right? No stops on the way?"

"Ooooh, we could always stop by the cafe and pick up bagels, that would be nice -"

"Of course not, where would we stop?" Bella said, talking over Will loudly as her words ran together in a hurry.

"I don't know," he admitted. "It's just... well, there's been another attack - the wolves again. It was real close to the resort by the hot springs - there's a witness this time. The victim was only a dozen yards away from the road when he disappeared. His wife saw a huge gray wolf just a few minutes later, while she was searching for him, and ran for help."

Will took a shaky breath in, ignoring the urge to throw up. That wolf could've been one of her friends - but did they really attack him?

"There's no sign of him - just a little blood again." Charlie's face was pained. "The rangers are going out armed, taking armed volunteers. There are a lot of hunters who are eager to be involved. That's going to mean a lot of firepower out there in the forest, and it worries me. When people get too excited, accidents happen..."

"THEY'RE GOING TO SHOOT THE WOLVES?" Will screeched, her father's words taking a moment to catch up to her brain. The thought of Paul being hurt sent her into a spiral that caused her to take a dizzying step backward into her sister's arms. The thought of anything happening to him made her physically sick, almost like they were connected or something. 

It was becoming much more clear just how much Paul meant to her, and it was terrifying. 

"What else can we do? What's wrong?" Charlie asked, his eyes studying his daughter's face. "You aren't turning into a tree hugger on me, are you?"

Will breathed heavily. She had never considered that the wolves could be harming people... it had to be the vampires, right? But there are none in this area, except for Laurent, and he had been scared away days ago.

"Look, honey, don't let this scare you. Just stay in town or on the highway - no stops - okay?"

"Okay," Will repeated in a weak voice. 

"You aren't going out there after the wolves, are you, Dad?" Bella asked, realizing that he was carrying a gun as well.

"I've got to help, Bells. People are disappearing."

"No!" Bella said, her voice shooting up an octave. "No! No, don't go. It's too dangerous!"

"I've got to do my job, kid. Don't be such a pessimist - I'll be fine. You girls leaving now, too?"

"No," Bella said, realizing that they should wait a little while.

"Yes," Will said at the same time, realizing that she had to warn Paul. There was no way that they were actually killing people, she couldn't believe it. 

Charlie looked between the two of them. 

"Bella. We're going." Will said sternly. 

The brunette girl nodded slowly. What else could she do but agree?

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