Chapter 7

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!TW: this chapter contains mentioning of verbal and mental abuse!


Am I allowed to feel this happy?

I'm still standing in the doorframe, where Khao just kissed me. Trying to process what just happend. I can feel my heart beating in my chest and the warmth from my heart reaching my face. This was real and it felt damn good.

Still there's this lingering feeling, it's not like we made it official and maybe we're moving to fast...

Although I don't like to admit it, with our relationship moving forward I can't help but being reminded of my ex. He left a scar that hasn't quite faded yet.

Still caught up in my feelings I  make my way back into my home and sit on the sofa. A notification pops up on my phone: 'I loved every minute with you today, when will we see each other again'. And all my worries just melt off, I think I really found the right one.



"So what?" I ask. Mark has come to bother me at work, right now he is following my every step. Me behind the counter, he infront.

"Nothing just curious" he says letting me know he definitly expects something from me. I stay silent and continue finishing the order.

"Oh come on. you know damn well wat I want to know. I know you met up with him yesterday, so there must be something"

I finish the order and hand it to the costumer, I sigh "Mark, can't you see I'm working here"

"yes, yes" he says unimpressed "Now tell me!"

"nothing special we just met up at his work and he taught me how to ride a horse and then we went to dinner and he drove me home so I made him some coffee, that's it"

"Wait! He already was at your apartment? And nothing happend?"

A light blush raises in my cheeks as I recall yesterdays event "There's something you're not telling me"

"Well, he kinda kissed me goodbye" I say

"Oh my god I knew it!" he exclaims, heads turning "Shh, we're at a cafe can't you talk more quietly"

"So you're dating? Boyfriends?"

"What no, not really"


"Shhh" all eyes in the cafe are on us "Do you want me to lose my job?"

"what an asshole come on, he didn't say anything? Like is he not serious with you?"

"Well...he did tell me he would never let me go" i say quitly as though shy

"Shut up" he says to my delight, a lot quieter "That's basically the same thing, as asking you to date him"

"you think so?"  "hell yeah, who's that man gotta meet him, he's good"

I shake my head "You change your opinion so fast"

"Well it was only because I didn't know the whole story"

The rest of my shift passes by quickly and Mark had long left. I was cleaning the store when suddenly Khao peaks in.

"Hey" He says "Hi"

"Are you almost done here? I thiught we could maybe grab some dinner and I could show you my place, I mean if you want to.."

"Yeah sure, just gotta finish this real quick" I finish and pack up my stuff. I close the shop and turn to Khao. Really taking in his looks for the first time today.

He is wearing jeans, a tank top (I'm a sucker for this) and a button down . Jusr a simple look, but damn he's so handsome with it. He takes a step forward and pulls me into a hug "hi love" he says holding me close, I nuzzle my face into his neck and inhale his scent. He smells so good, fresh like lemongrass but still has his own scent. I let myself go in his hug, he called me 'love'. I swear I never been happier I just wanna stay like this forever. Way to fast for my taste, he let's go and smiles his Khao smile.

"What do you wanna eat?" he asks "I fine with anything" I say my brain still not quite functioning.

We stop by a korean restaurant and order somethign for take-away. The whole time while driving Khao holds my hand, how come I didn't meet this man earlier?

Khao has a nice apartment, it's bigger than  mine, but not overly big. It's neatly decorated, but still classic. I can't help but smile, seeing the cup from the cafe on the counter, so he kept it all the time.

We eat on the sofa in the living room while watching some TV, don't ask me what exactly we were watching. After we finished, Khao leans back and rests his head on my shoulder, I jump a little at the sudden action.

Then it hits me, my ex yelling, screaming, calling me names, accusing me of cheating, going through my phone asking me "how many of them have you fucked? you slut!" and then proceeding to throw my phone across the room, him reaching over to slap me and me dotching last minute.

My whole body stiffens, my face blank panic. It's hard to breathe, my eyes darting everywhere looking for the danger "First"


"First!" I snap, gasping for air, I turn and see Khao, worry all over his face

I hear him talking to me in a distance, soothing words and my breaths finally starting to slow down, look back at Khao and he's cupping my face with both his hands, it's strangly calming. Most people would grap you by the shoulder and for me that would be even more triggering, his touch is gentle and genuine "Hey, it's okay everything is gonna be fine" I slowly come back to reality.

After some time I move and look Khao in the eyes, I can see he's watching my every move, carefully.

"if we're gonna do this, you need to be a hundred percent serious with me, with me it can't be anything casual" I tell him.

"I don't do casual, when I do something, I always give it my hundred percent." he says

"Hey, I wanted to be with you since the first time we met" he moves forward, playing with my hair, a little. His hand moves down, drawing the shape of my face with his finger. "Would have never introduced you to Life if I wanted something casual" he leans forward and kisses me on my cheek "Is that okay?" he asks and I nod. "Can I hug you?" I nod again and he pulls me into another of his deep hugs, he doesn't ask questions he's just there.

"So..are we boyfriends now?" I ask after a while 

"Of course we are, I already told you i wouldn't let you go, didn't I?"


Hi, it's been a little while. I wanna tell you I didn't forget, I just didn't find the time. I just wanna put my heart into every chapter, so I'm not rushing things. See you in the next chapter

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