Chapter 5

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Sorry for the long pause, I've been a little busy recently


Today is the day, today I'm going to meet Khao in the stable.

I have to admit I rarely had any sleep last night, I couldn't help but feel so excited and nervous at the same time.

Does this count as a date? Naw First you're letting it get to your head, why would this be a date? It's simply just a meet-up, no need to get so excited.

I've never done anything horse related, but I have to say I've always been amazed with show-jumping, I loved watching it on the TV when I was little.

We agreed to meet up at the stable, even though he offered to pick me up, but I didn't wanna be a hussle. I looked up the way on maps like two days ago and I at least tripple checked that this was leading me to the right place and if the bus would arrive on time. Now I'm pacing through my closet trying to find something suitable to wear, I obviously don't have anything that's fit for horse riding but I don't even know if I will be riding a horse. I don't want to over dress but I most definitly don't want to be underdressed ugh why is it so hard. I never cared about my appreance this much. In the end I decide on jeans and a basic t-shirt, you couldn't be wrong with this could you?


I arrived about twenty minutes early, unsure where to go I approach the stables. Then I see him, he is wearing riding pants and a tank top, it perfectly defined his body shape, the tank top revealed his arm muscles and a bit of his chest muscles, he must be working out regulary. Next to him is another men, probably in his forthies he was talking insistently to Khao without catching a break. I don't know Khao that well but from having looked at him for quite some time I could tell he was annoyed by that man.

He looks up and his eyes meet mine and he gives me the warmest smile, I have to break eye contact as I feel myself blushing, my heart is beating in my chest so hard you might think everyone could hear.

"Mr. I'll have to excuse myself, I have my next client waiting here" with that he starts jogging up to me his smile reaching from one ear to the other.

"Hey" he says as he reaches me "Hi" I answer "Thank god you're here that client just won't stop talking, I swear five minutes more and I would have told him his horse is perfectly fine, the fault just absolutly lies with him" he puts his arm around my shoulders and I can feel my heartbeat raising even more "Come let's go see Life, shall we?" I can only nod. He smells so good even though he must have been working in the stables for hours already.

He leads me to one of the boxes and shows me a very beautiful horse. It was mostly black coated with some brown and near his hooves his fur was white. When Life notices his visitors he turns and walks up to me. I carefully pet him on his head and he seems to enjoy it, he is calm and stands completly still. I'm so focused on Life that I don't notice Khao smiling at me. Khao takes a headcollar and put it on Life. I watch him fascinated, his movement his smooth and fast, you can tell he's done it a million times. He hands me the rope and let's me lead Life to the paddock.

"First you need to warm up with him. If you're scared he can feel it, you need to built trust. If you want to be good at riding a horse , both of you have to trust each other. When your energys match and when you have a good connection, you'll be able to ride him and he will listen to you" I watch Khao as he talks his eyes have so much passion in them and I can feel he really loves what he's doing. We just continue to walk around the paddock, while Khao explains more to me, the whole time Life is really relaxed and I start to get more confident in leading him.

"...eventually you'll come to state where he'll stop as soon as you stop, you lead him, if you go he will follow you willingly, if you stop he'll do the same, try it"

I take a few more steps and then stop, Life stops right with me his head close to my shoulder and I can feel him breathing. A big smlie comes across my face and and I turn to Khao proudly.

"Great, you're ready for the next step"

FirstKhao: In just a momentHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin