7] Spring Festival

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"It has been so long since we met Ria. I missed you so much."

"I missed you too. How have you been and my goodness your hair look prettier than ever." I complimented smiling ear to ear.

"Couldn't agree more." Florian interrupted looking at Catherine.

"It is a pleasure to see you again Florian." Catherine blushed.

"Likewise, Lady Catherine." Florian slightly bowed his head.

Yes. Lady Catherine. Or more accurately, Lady Catherine Wentworth, youngest daughter of Count Wentworth.

I was 14, when I first met her at Mrs. Gibbs' house. Catherine is her niece. Factually speaking, Mrs. Gibbs' brother is a noble and so is she or was, until she fell in love with a commoner and decided to give up her title.

Catherine used to visit her aunt in her winter holidays and since Florian and I were regular guests too, got along with her very quickly.
With her, much contrasting to ours, beautiful clothing and accessories, she looked just like a princess to us. But her gentle eyes and kind smile made us drawn towards her.

"I cannot wait to see everything around here and eat a lot of delicious food." Catherine clenched her hands around mine while her eyes sparkled with joy.

"Says the noble lady who gets to eat delicacies in her breakfast, lunch and dinner." I said sarcastically.

"All thanks to mother. She keeps grumbling about my weight. Does not let me eat any sweets." She said sadly.

Even though she was so petite, being a noble lady meant she had to keep her weight maintained, to fit in those bizarre corsets.

"Ah. Then you shall have your fill today my lady." I said and she giggled.

"Would you like to join us, Florian?" Catherine asked shyly.

"You two go on. I will keep watch here." He politely declined.

"Now come on." I pulled her hand eagerly walking ahead.

"For God's sake Gloria, act ladylike for once." She said laughing while her free hand tightly clutched to her gown.

"Ladylike? Never heard that word before." Florian remarked and we both laughed waving goodbye to him.


"So tell me. How have you been doing for the last....umm" She asked walking side by side.

"16 months?" I replied and looked at her.

"I cannot believe so much time has passed." she sighed.

"The last year has been pretty difficult for all of us to say the least." I said. "With father getting that terribly awful injury." She looked at me pitifully.

"We thrived a lot even to get two meals in our plates."

"I am sorry Ria. For not being there for you." She tightened her grip on my palm.

I smiled looking at her. "You had your reasons Cathy. If you could, I know you never would've let me suffer in any way." She smiled back.

"Enough with this sad storytelling. We have to make this time worth the wait." I added.

We both visited different stalls, trying out delicious sweets and playing games. Much time passed and when we turned to return, I bumped into a tall figure.

"My Apologies Sir. I did not mean...." I stopped and stared at the man.

"A pleasure to meet you again, Miss Browne." Arden greeted gently smiling at me.

"Pleasure to meet you too, My lord." I curtsied.

Hearing the word 'My lord' his smile turned to a frown.

"I would like to apologize to you on behalf of my brother, miss Browne. He actually is a very good person, I insist you not to misjudge him."

I mentally rolled my eyes and avoided talking about the topic.

"My lord, I would like to introduce you to.."

"Lady Catherine..." He added and went forward to kiss her gloved hand gently.

"What a pleasant surprise." He smiled and straightened up.

"You two know each other?" I asked

"Yes. Remember the winter ball I wrote to you about last year?" Cathy said. "Father introduced us to the whole Marques family." I listened attentively.

"My brother and Lady Catherine's older sister, Lady Charlotte are going to be engaged soon."

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