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Warning: Heavy gore and suicide in one scene.

In the late afternoon, at the hospital downtown, Paintbrush was laying on the bed while Microphone was right next to them. They were wearing a smooth blue hospital gown that was held up by a fabric string. Paintbrush was unconscious from the shot, but she knew they were alive because the monitor was still beeping. Even with that, she was worried for them and didn't know what would happen next since they just murdered someone in front of an authority. Upon waiting, a doctor came in and he was the same doctor that checked in with Paintbrush before. A red and white soda can with a brown strap and tab connected on top of him.
"Hello, Microphone, I assume. It's nice to meet you," said the doctor in his usual calm voice.
"Hello," said Microphone nervously, she got up and walked over to the doctor.
"Microphone, come with me. We need to talk about something." Microphone followed the doctor to another room in the hospital while a nurse stayed with Paintbrush. The room wasn't far, and it was only two rooms away. The doctor locked the room and offered Microphone a chair. The white room was almost empty except there were two chairs, a couch, and a table in the middle of the room. Once they sat down, the doctor began, "How are you today?"

"I'm doing alright." said Microphone in her shy voice. He puts a few papers on the table that he was holding, and Microphone tries to look it over. One of the papers makes up the records of Paintbrush which concern her.
"So, where's your other friend? I hear she was with you on the problem too." The doctor then glanced at Microphone after looking over the papers.
"I told her to go because she showed them what they needed. Also…I don't want her to go through more. Just no." Microphone stared down at the table while the doctor seemed concerned for her.
"Well. I hope she's okay. So, we decided to take in Paintbrush first," said the doctor with his calm voice. This made Microphone nervous and knowing the possibilities of what could happen to Paintbrush, she doesn't want that for them.
"No," said Microphone with that word coming out of her mouth being the only thing she could say. Her hands were twitching, and her face was slowly sweating.
"It would be a death sentence," said the doctor, making things worse for Microphone.
"Please. They're only unstable. Please…" She begged him, and the doctor knew this just by looking at her worried face. However, despite what he said, the doctor also has good news as well.
"Well, after looking through the information you and your friend gave us. We have other plans." Microphone stopped sweating, her facial expression calmed down, and she now wondered what he meant. Her hopes were coming up again and decided to ask about the other plans.
"What are those 'other plans' may I ask?" asked Microphone in her calmest voice.
"Well, you see, they showed highly concerning behavior. Hallucinations, aggressive attitude, and inappropriate responses." He shows her one of the papers talking about Paintbrush's behavior and the evidence the hospital got. It turns out that Cabby was hiding more than what she showed to Microphone. One of the pieces of evidence describes a recording of Paintbrush acting strange inside their house. Despite that, Microphone didn't care anymore since she thought Cabby just wanted to help and was even foolish enough to ask Taco to join her along.
"Oh…" Microphone didn't know what else to say, so she just stayed quiet.
"They will leave this hospital tomorrow morning, and be sent to a sanatorium outside of the state." After hearing that, Microphone was relieved that Paintbrush was getting some help soon. She smiled at the doctor, "Thank you, Doc."

They both continue with the paperwork until, a few hours later, Microphone leaves the room to find the other one where she was previously at. Once she did, the nurse saw her and left the room. There she sat down on the chair next to the still unconscious paintbrush. At least, that's what she thought when Microphone looked at Paintbrush. They were secretly awake, and just pretending to be unconscious because they heard everything. When Microphone and the doctor were talking, Paintbrush was starting to wake up.
The nurse was at the restroom at the time while they were waking up. Overhearing everything they heard between them, and the fact of being sent away scared Paintbrush. The thought of getting brainwashed, being away from home, and they can no longer see the light of day again.
It scares them. They were shaking badly, their face sweating, and their heart beeping fast. Paintbrush was breathing heavily until the nurse came back from her restroom break. They quickly lay on the bed and pretend to still be unconscious. 

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