The Arbor Snaps

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Amidst their journey through the Scalegorge Waterscape, Fu Xuan and Jing Yuan delved into the history of the place once known as the Dragon Palace. Jing Yuan explained how it was used to imprison the Arbor, a tale of ancient struggles and imprisonment.

"We must defend this passage," Jing Yuan said, turning to Fu Xuan, his voice determined. "Prevent further incidents at all costs. I will confront Phantylia with the help of our new friends."

Jing Yuan then turned his attention to the group of Cloud Knights, his voice steady as he addressed them. "I appreciate your loyalty and dedication, but I must ask you to remain here. Our adversary is a Lord Ravager of the Antimatter Legion, a formidable foe. The danger you might face is substantial."

One of the Cloud Knights stepped forward, a determined look in their eyes. "General, we are willing to accompany you, to support you in this battle."

Jing Yuan nodded, acknowledging their bravery. "Your offer means a great deal to me, but I have a crucial task for you. If the situation becomes dire, if I cannot return, your duty is to withdraw and seal off this delve. Protect the Xianzhou Luofu."

Another Cloud Knight spoke up, "But what about the mission's account, General? Who will relay the information if you're unable to?"

Jing Yuan turned to Fu Xuan, a sense of trust in his gaze. "Lady Fu Xuan will take on that responsibility. She is a master diviner, and her insights will be invaluable. Trust in her guidance as you wait for my return."

Fu Xuan nodded solemnly, accepting the weight of the task. "I will ensure the mission's account is delivered, should it be necessary. May fortune favor your battle, General."

The Cloud Knights exchanged determined glances, understanding the gravity of their roles. They would await Jing Yuan's return, ready to carry out their duties if called upon.

Fu Xuan and the Cloud Knights then departed to attend to other potential threats, leaving the group to concentrate on their crucial mission ahead.

Jing Yuan handed Dan Heng a significant item, the "Sanctus Medicus Dharani," a symbol of trust and responsibility.

As they delved deeper into their exploration of the mysterious realm, Ultraman Blazar couldn't help but voice his thoughts on the challenging steps they encountered. With a hint of admiration for the obstacles they faced, he remarked, "These steps sure aren't for the faint of heart, are they?"

Jing Yuan, who had been navigating the treacherous path with them, responded with a wry smile, his voice carrying a sense of determination, "No, they're not, Blazar. But every step brings us closer to our goal, doesn't it?" His words resonated with the unwavering spirit of their group, reminding them that adversity was merely a stepping stone on their path to discovery.

Dan Heng, chimed in with a touch of wisdom, "Each challenge we face here is a test of our resolve. We must persevere and overcome." His words echoed through the echoing area, a reminder that their journey was as much a test of their inner strength as it was an exploration of the external world.

As they reached a specific location, they overheard a conversation involving a Vidyadhara high elder regarding sealing the Arbor. Dan Heng explained that the Vidyadhara high elder accepted the mission to quell the Arbor, and successive high elders returned to the Dragonvista Rain Hall to guide the tides of the ancient sea.

Their next task was to remove three Vidyadhara seals, symbolized by stone lanterns, in a specific sequence. Dan Heng recalled the riddle, "reverence to the three talons," and explained they needed to touch the stone lanterns in the correct order to unlock the seals.

Following their triumphant removal of the first seal, Ultraman Blazar couldn't help but express concern for Miss Tingyun, who had yet to awaken from her slumber. With a touch of worry in his voice, he inquired, "Any news on Miss Tingyun's condition? She's been out for quite some time."

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