In the Withering Wintry Night

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"Conductor, can I get a juice, please? Thank youuuu~" March 7th called out with a sweet smile.

Pom-Pom, let out a tired sigh, "Ugh... We're jumping in five minutes! You can have something to drink when it's over!"

March 7th pouted, "But I'm thirsty now!"

Caelus, turned his attention to their next destination, "What is our next stop?"

Himeko answered, "Our next stop is a small planet called Jarilo-VI, the sixth planet of the Jarilo System located in the Spiral Galaxy named Rusalka Galaxy. It's been thousands of years since the last time the Astral Express paid a visit. The data bank shows it was a lush and beautiful place like Planet Earth. But after all this time, it's possible that dramatic changes have occurred."

Caelus sought more information, "Mr. Welt, what can you tell me about the jumps?"

Welt explained, "Jumps are like this: They may feel novel the first few times, but you'll slowly get used to them after a few more. As for the mechanism... Well, if you're interested, I'll explain it to you in detail when we have more time. For now, just sit and wait. Remember to close your eyes — it helps with the dizziness."

Curiosity struck Caelus, and he investigated a closed door to the passenger cabins, "Hmm... Maybe Dan Heng locked it?"

In the meantime, March 7th shared her excitement with Caelus, "Oh, don't worry about me. I just wanna see if I can stay on my feet this time~"

Caelus smiled warmly, "Good luck, I'm rooting for you."

March 7th beamed, "Thanks. I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of it. The key is using your core, waist, and leg muscles. It's not your stance that matters, but your ability to ride the inertia..."

Caelus felt concerned, "Don't hurt yourself."

However, March 7th reassured him, "It's fine, I'm sturdier than I look~ Besides, the ice will protect me. When I'm in danger, I instinctively create ice to protect myself."

Caelus couldn't help but tease, "Though sometimes falling on the ice actually hurts more than falling on the ground."

He questioned her determination, "Why do you make things hard for yourself?"

March 7th giggled, "Don't be silly — this is fun! I like keeping busy; otherwise, I start obsessing over... pointless things."

Ready for the upcoming jump, March 7th encouraged Caelus, "Well, don't mind me. Find a place to sit down and buckle up."

As Caelus settled into a comfortable sofa, Pom-Pom's voice echoed through the train, "Hello? Hello hello? All passengers, please return to your seats. The train is about to make the jump! Hold on, everyone! 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

The anticipation built up, and March 7th's determination was evident, "I won't fall over! I won't fall over! ..."

Several minutes later, the Astral Express completed its jump, and the team found themselves on the orbit of the snowy and frozen planet of Jarilo-VI. Himeko gazed at the barren landscape with a mix of awe and concern. "After all those millennia," she said, "is this what Jarilo-VI has become?"

March 7th looked around, her eyes widening with curiosity, "Huh? So that snowy planet is our destination this time?"

Himeko nodded, "Yes... Looks like this trailblazing expedition won't be easy."

Pom-Pom's urgent voice interrupted, "Spatial readout anomaly! Star rail stability is down to 12%!"

She continued, "Schedule alteration: 14-Days of Trailblaze Calendar stopover time extended indefinitely!"

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