Punklorde Mentality

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Shortly, after bidding farewell to Herta in the simulated universe room, Caelus found himself immersed in the mundane reality of his smartphone. A message from Arlan awaited his attention.

Arlan's words appeared on the screen, "Hello, Caelus."

Caelus raised an eyebrow, intrigue evident in his expression. "Do you have some time? I still haven't thanked you for helping me when we first met."

Caelus furrowed his brow, trying to recall the incident in question. "First met... What do you mean?"

Arlan's response painted a vivid picture. "You found me wounded in the monitoring room and took me somewhere safe. Thank you... If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have lasted much longer."

Caelus's humility was met with gratitude. "You're being too polite. It was nothing."

Arlan's voice held a note of sincerity. "I wouldn't have lasted much longer if you hadn't found me."

Caelus felt a pang of guilt. "You should thank Dan Heng. He was the one who found you."

Arlan's words echoed with appreciation. "Both of you saved my life. I wouldn't have lasted much longer."

Caelus tried to downplay his role. "You should thank Dan Heng. He was the one who found you."

Arlan's gratitude remained steadfast. "Thank you for finding me and taking me somewhere safe."

Arlan's message took an unexpected turn. "Do you have time to come to the base zone? I have a gift I want to give you."

Caelus's curiosity was piqued. "A gift? Now I feel awkward."

Arlan reassured him. "Don't worry. It's not anything expensive."

Caelus considered an alternative. "Can you mail it to me?"

Arlan's preference was clear. "I want to give it to you face-to-face. That's more formal. I'll wait for you."

As Caelus ventured into the Base Zone, he was met by the bustling activity of researchers and scientists. Arlan's voice rang out, directing his attention.

"Correct. All the cabins they might pass by have been checked. Remember to report to Lead Researcher Asta," Arlan addressed a fellow researcher.

Caelus greeted the scene with a simple, "Hello."

Arlan's recognition was swift. "We'll deal with problems outside the base zone later... Ah, it's you, Caelus."

Caelus was puzzled, "Didn't you ask me to come?"

Arlan's admission was tinged with embarrassment. "Sorry, this is embarrassing. We suddenly had some stuff come up. I wanted to take care of it before you arrived, but I can't seem to get a break around here."

He continued, undeterred. "Never mind about that. Here—this is for you. I made it this morning. And I've been keeping it warm."

Caelus couldn't hide his curiosity. "You made me some fried rice?"

Arlan grinned, a touch of pride in his voice. "It's just a little something I whipped up."

Caelus's eyes widened, "A gift?"

Arlan's response was filled with anticipation. "That's right! I hope you don't hate it."

Caelus's humor emerged, "Did you save any for Asta?"

Arlan chuckled, "No, she had pudding this morning. I made it especially for you."

Arlan's words carried a sincere sentiment. "I spent a long time wondering what to give you... In the end, I realized I should stick to what I'm good at. Miss Asta loves my fried rice, so I hope you like it too."

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