XXI : Angels Like You

Start from the beginning


"I know a couple. All legal of course."

"I will not be asking. Well, the army will be in your hands then we will see about the other branches."

"Let me get you to your hotel."

"No, it's fine."

"Bundespräsident, you will have me. No debates, sir."


Never once, Irmina had felt tired without any action but stacks of paperwork just drained her mind. Upon throwing her keys into a bowl on her coffee table, accidentally woke up the Redhead on her sofa. She softly apologised and urged her to go back to sleep as she sat on the carpeted floor with takeout.

"How's work?"

"Pretty good."

"Hm." Natasha let out before letting herself fall back asleep, giving Irmina the time to herself for food. To be honest, a life like this is all the German could ask for.

Someone to come home to.

In the shared space, still has time to herself to do whatever she wants. The most calming and chill music softly came from her phone as she read her book and ate her late dinner. The breeze of wind graced their skin as it flowed through the balcony and into the apartment. Natasha dropped her arm onto Irmina's shoulder and she wasn't bothered with it, slurping on her wanton soup as quietly as possible.

It's always the Chinese restaurants that open til so late which Irmina is absolutely grateful for.

"You got one for me?"

"Technically no but there's this one," Irmina said, carefully wrapping the bottom of the container with stacks of tissue papers and opening it for Natasha. The younger woman sat on the carpeted floor close enough to see what she was reading while Irmina handed her the soup. "It's still quite hot."

"Thank you."

"How was the dinner?"

"Pretty amazing—this too!" Irmina smiled at Natasha, placing her book down and slowly had the rest of her soup. Natasha got up which confused Irmina but she just told her to chill while she go get them drinks.

"Do you want to watch anything?"

"What do you suggest?"

"Hey! I asked you." Irmina pointed the mouth of the bottle at Natasha before drinking. The younger woman followed it quite closely with Irmina unbothered, checking through her cable. "Natasha, stop staring at my lips."

"Sorr—" Irmina pushed the woman to the floor, holding her arms hostage above her head.

"Do you want me, Romanov?"

"If I say yes, would you want me?"


"But—" Natasha scoffed softly before breaking another wall Irmina had built. "You taught me love is weakness but you want it. To have someone in your life, spoiling them with all you have but you can't do it because you are afraid. Then be afraid—"

"Wow—what a way to call me out."

Irmina went to her original position and sipped on her beer, finally using her TV. Natasha still lay on the ground, confused and annoyed. The woman hastily crawled onto Irmina and straddled her lap.

"At least try."

"You really want me?"

"I do."

"Don't," Irmina said with a heavy heart, pushing Natasha off because she was terrified. She cannot do this again. Natasha furrowed her eyebrows, disappointed, not even realising Irmina was halfway out of the door. "Please, Natalia. Don't do this to yourself."

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