Enchanted Beginnings: Arrival in Seoul

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Amruta stirred from her slumber, the gentle voice of the air hostess pulling her from the depths of sleep. Slowly blinking away the remnants of her dreams, she took a moment to reorient herself. The realization gradually settled in— the flight was preparing to land. As her senses sharpened, she gently nudged Meera, who was peacefully snoozing beside her, being careful not to disturb little Pihu, who was still cozily nestled in her lap.

Meera's eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the dimmed cabin lights. The flight attendants were bustling about, getting ready for the impending landing, and the palpable excitement in the air was infectious. The two friends swiftly gathered their belongings, prepping for the upcoming touchdown. The aircraft descended with a graceful smoothness, its wheels making a gentle connection with the runway in a tender embrace.

A collective sigh of relief echoed through the cabin as passengers began to rise from their seats, eager to disembark. Meera, being the strategist she was, suggested that they wait until most of the fellow passengers had left. This would ensure a hassle-free exit, especially with little Pihu in tow. When the opportune moment arrived, they finally made their way off the plane, stepping onto the soil of their dreams—Seoul.

The sights that greeted them were nothing short of magical. The bustling streets of Seoul stretched before them, an alluring combination of modernity and tradition. Despite their origins in bustling Mumbai, Seoul's unique beauty had a mesmerizing effect. It was nearly 11:30 in the morning, and the city appeared to pulsate with life, extending a vibrant welcome.

Amidst the captivating surroundings, their attention was captivated by a familiar sound—Pihu's cries. It didn't take them long to deduce the cause; Pihu was hungry. Swiftly, Amruta retrieved a bottle of milk from her bag, soothing the hungry little one and calming her cries. In the meantime, Meera ventured off to secure a taxi that would transport them to the hotel.

Once they were comfortably settled in the taxi and had provided the address, a pleasant revelation awaited them—the driver spoke English. This discovery brought a sigh of relief, as it eased their concerns about navigating a foreign land. They had learned that Seoul was progressively becoming more English-friendly, a fact that offered them a reassuring edge.

Exhausted from their journey, they opted to take it easy for the rest of the day. Although they had plans to explore the city later in the evening, their immediate desire was for some well-deserved rest. Upon arriving at their hotel, they bid farewell to the helpful driver and proceeded to the reception area.

Approaching the reception desk, Meera engaged in the requisite formalities. A warm smile accompanied the receptionist's greeting of "Enjoy your stay at the hotel," and Meera's heart danced with the promise of an unforgettable stay. Guided to their room, a sense of excitment grew with each step they took.

Upon reaching the 19th floor, Meera produced the key card, unlocking the door that granted access to their temporary sanctuary. Their weariness seemed to evaporate as they stepped into the room, absorbing every detail it held. It was more than just a room; it was a haven of comfort and rejuvenation.

Their eyes widened in wonder as they surveyed the room's layout. Two generous queen-sized beds beckoned, offering a haven for much-needed repose. Wardrobes adorned one wall, providing ample storage for their belongings. A well-appointed bathroom invited them to wash away the travel fatigue. A spacious dressing table and a television completed the ensemble.

However, it was the balcony that truly took their breath away. Enclosed within expansive glass windows, the balcony provided a sweeping vista of the cityscape. Ahead of them, Seoul's architectural marvels pierced the sky, and the bustling streets below wove a tapestry of life. The view was a calming tonic, a reminder of the vastness of the world they were about to immerse themselves in.

With fatigue and exhilaration warring within them, Meera and Amruta decided to freshen up before embarking on their evening adventures. A quiet meal and a brief nap were in order, a chance to recharge their spirits. As they settled into their room, the city outside seemed to hum with its own vitality, as if extending a warm invitation into its embrace.

Their first day in Seoul had been a whirlwind of emotions and discoveries. As they cherished the simplicity of a tranquil moment within their hotel room, the pulse of the city beyond their window seemed to echo with anticipation. This was merely the beginning, a glimpse into the captivating realm of Seoul that lay ahead. Their journey was already unfolding, and they stood poised to embrace every instant, every experience, and every emotion that awaited them.

Sorry guys,
I had my exams so I couldn't update.
I will try my best to be regular.

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