Chapter 91-95

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Chapter 91: Thanks for Taking the Initiative to Find Me Some Entertainment

On the open ground, the villagers' discussions grew louder and began to pound inside Zheng Lizheng's head like a drum.

Suddenly, Sharp-tongued Wang Shi caught sight of Jiang Ru standing at the back.

She touched her slightly painful mouth and glared at Jiang Ru fiercely.

Last night, she had pondered for half the night and felt that it was Jiang Ru's carriage driver who had hit her.

Hmph! He was just an outsider who had recently arrived; how dare he offend Wang Damei? He should forget about staying in Huaxi Village if he wanted that courtyard.

Jiang Ru keenly noticed a malicious gaze directed at her within the crowd.

She scanned the crowd and locked eyes with Wang Shi.

Heh-heh, it turns out to be that gossip from yesterday. It seems she already knows who was responsible for her injured mouth.

If she dares to speak ill of me again, I'll teach her a lesson.

According to the former homeowner, this Wang Shi was his high-maintenance relative. They had moved to town because they couldn't afford to stay in Huaxi Village.

Just because the previous homeowner couldn't deal with this unruly woman doesn't mean I can't.

While Jiang Ru was musing, she suddenly heard Wang Shi shouting at the top of her lungs, "Lizheng, you said each family should provide a strong laborer. What about families without one?"

With Wang Shi leading the charge, several women who often gossiped together began to chime in.

"Lizheng, we need clarity on this matter. We won't work hard only for those who don't."

"Yes, this matter must be clarified."


Zheng Lizheng glanced and saw that it was the village's usual gossips causing the commotion.

His anger flared, and he shouted loudly, "According to Huaxi Village's previous rules, the elderly, the young, the sick, and the disabled are exempt!"

"This matter is settled like this. Everyone, go home and discuss it. We'll start working on this tomorrow."

"The situation is quite urgent now. If anyone dares to cause trouble, I'll kick them out of Huaxi Village." Zheng Lizheng glared menacingly at several women in the crowd as he finished his sentence.

The few gossiping women fell silent upon hearing his words. They weren't stupid; they knew that this situation was different from usual. If they caused trouble and incurred the villagers' wrath, they might indeed get expelled from Huaxi Village.

Seeing that the villagers had no objections, Zheng Lizheng didn't want to waste any more words. "Alright, everyone can disperse now!"

Thinking about having to buy rice, the villagers didn't dare to slack off and hurried back to their respective homes.

After the crowd dispersed, Sharp-tongued Wang Shi and a few gossiping women gathered together and started grumbling.

Jiang Ru observed the scratches on their faces and suddenly thought of the scene when they fought over the silver pieces yesterday.

It was such a heated confrontation, but she wondered who had managed to grab the silver pieces in the end.

Thinking about it, Jiang Ru's mood brightened, and she said to the person beside her, Xiao Chengjin, "Let's go! Let's head home."

Exiled Princess: From the Palace Heist to Becoming a Rich Madame [MTL]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora