Chapter 76-80

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Chapter 76: Heaven May Favor Us, but Not Excessively

For several consecutive days, the journey had been going quite smoothly.

Inside the carriage, Jiang Ru stretched lazily and lifted the curtain, asking Qin Zhen, "Qin Guard, when can we enter Jizhou?"

"Madam Xiao, if there are no 'unexpected' incidents, we should be able to enter the territory of Jizhou tomorrow," Qin Zhen replied, his voice revealing a hint of delight.

Seeing Qin Zhen's delighted expression, Jiang Ru raised an eyebrow and said, "Let's find a place to spend the night ahead. It's not just you who's eager; I'm anxious too! Jizhou is facing a drought, and it's better to arrive early to prepare."

Thinking back, since her arrival, she had experienced marriage, exile, and now this drought. What the future held was still uncertain.

Sigh, Heaven may favor her, but not excessively.

The ones most thrilled by the thought of reaching Jizhou "very soon" were Qin Zhen and his companions.

Qin Zhen was secretly thinking, "See, as long as this woman doesn't actively stir up trouble, our journey goes smoothly."

Haha, we're finally about to reach Jizhou. He could already imagine that with this woman around, the days of peace for Jizhou's governor and county magistrates were numbered.

Jiang Ru thought to herself, "I am the Queen of Jizhou."

As the sun set in the west, they reached a town and checked into an inn.

After getting off the carriage, Jiang Ru saw An Yi approaching on horseback.

He had caught up quite quickly; could it be that the situation in Shengzhou had been perfectly resolved?

An Yi reined in his horse and dismounted. "I pay my respects to the mistress. The situation in Shengzhou has been settled, so you can rest assured."

Hearing this, Jiang Ru smiled and said, "You've worked hard during this time."

She hadn't expected things to go so smoothly. This time, they had caused trouble for the emperor, and he wouldn't let it slide easily. Perhaps the assassins were already in position.

No matter, they would deal with it when the time came.

After dinner, An Yi reported in detail about recent events in Shengzhou to Jiang Ru.

Yun Zhong'an had received the emperor's decree and taken on the important role of governor in Shengzhou. Chu Wenqian and Xue Shiye had been heavily punished, their properties confiscated, and they were exiled to a bitterly cold place.

During their days in prison, Chu Wenqian and Xue Shiye had their legs broken by the leaders of the bandits' stronghold, in recognition of their collaboration with corrupt officials and returning stolen property. They had been spared the death penalty and instead banished to the harsh wilderness.

They knew deep down that even if they escaped beheading, their survival in exile depended solely on fate. According to the laws of the Great Yan Dynasty, those ruthless tyrants who had committed numerous wrongdoings would face execution in public.

After listening to An Yi's report, Jiang Ru nodded in satisfaction.

Very well, this outcome aligns quite closely with her expectations. As the instigator of this incident, she has also won the unanimous praise of the people in Shengzhou.

Finally, An Yi informed her that the palace guards of the Southern Palace had been positioned for her protection.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Ru couldn't help but feel delighted.

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