"Masky, we already have BEN out with Jeff tonight for this kill. Go with them and make sure Y/N doesn't get caught up with them or the authorities." Jack spoke sternly, but Masky didn't respond. He just grabbed his mask and walked out.

~ ~ ~

It was time.

You showed up early to your shift to see Jeff sitting in a tree. He smiled and waved to you from above as you slowly waved back.

You have never met Trent before but after meeting him, you were happy he was dying tonight.

"Yo? You're new here?"

You watched him clock in from behind the counter. "Not really. I've been working since late August. Only the night shifts though and mostly by myself."

Trent nodded. "Well, that explains why we never met. I got taken off of the night shift because our bitch of a boss can't trust me to be by myself anymore." Here we go. "Instead, they put a child in my place."

You roll your eyes at him as he takes out a cigarette and starts to light it. "You aren't allowed to smoke in here."

Trent laughs but still lights the stick. "Lighten up girlfriend." You wrinkle your nose at the comment as he takes a drag.

"Please never call me that."

He scoffs and walks over to you. Leaning on the counter, he speaks. "Are you going to have a stick up your ass all night long?" He turns around and takes another drag. Blowing out smoke, thankfully, away from your face.

Before you could retaliate, the bell over the door rang as a customer came in. Quickly, Trent dropped his cigarette and stepped on it to put it out. Maybe he's smart after all. You peeked around your co-worker to see Tim walking in.

"Tim!" Warmth grew through your chest as he smiled at you. The smile quickly dropped as he saw Trent. Ignoring the other man, he walked towards the counter.

The warm feeling quickly turns to panic. Jeff will be here soon. You still were unsure of what relationship Tim and Jeff had. But maybe if Jeff knew him, he'd be okay.

"Hello Y/N. Have a good day?" Tim is not a man of small talk, which catches Y/N off guard. She quickly brings herself back.

"I'm doing well! My day is better now that you're here." She leans on her hands and smiles at him.

"Oh, is this your boyfriend? Damn and here I was thinking I could convince you to come home with me tonight."

You grimace at your co-worker as Tim speaks up.

"We are not dating. But that doesn't mean she would be willing to hang out with a disgusting man like you." Tim spits as Trent's jaw drops. Before he can defend himself, the store goes dark.

You jump a bit while trying to adjust to the sudden darkness. Trent starts complaining but is quickly stopped by the sound of a knife dragging against the window.

The three of you watch as a dark figure comes out from behind an aisle.

Trent quickly realizes who it is. "It-It's you!" He grabs the broom that was leaning against the counter and holds it in front of him as a defense.

"Oh, Trent. It's time to go to sleep." A shiver traveled up your entire body as you looked at the man's face. While earlier, he looked so friendly, right now, you could see the bloodlust in Jeff's eyes.

Shaking, you managed to look at Tim, who had somehow made his way behind the counter. He grabs your arms softly and sits you down. You hear noises from behind you as Trent's screams fill the, suddenly, very small gas station. Your shaking hands quickly move to cover your ears as you screw your eyes shut. Too scared to do anything.

"You're okay. You're safe." Tim pulls you towards his chest and wraps his arms around you. Seeming to protect you from the fear around you. "I won't let anyone hurt you."

Fingers make your way into your hair as you listen to the sound of Tim's heart rather than the murder happening just feet away.

Somehow, you manage to open your mouth. "I want- I want to go home."

You felt like prey. Jeff's bloodlust was suffocating you as every instinct in your body screamed at you to get out of there.

"Soon Y/N. Soon."

The screaming soon stopped but you didn't dare move. You instead decided to focus on Tim's fingers as they ran through your hair. Focus on the way he drew shapes against your back.

You wanted to stay there forever.

~ ~ ~

When you both did stand up from behind the counter, Jeff and Trent's body was gone. Tim helped clean up the blood while you closed up for the night. You both stayed silent as you worked, eventually clocking out and locking up before starting the walk home.

Tim never left your side. Even when you eventually made it to your dorm, Tim walked in with you.

You didn't say anything. Too mentally exhausted to care. You grabbed a pair of pajamas and went to shower while your friend busied himself in the kitchen. You had already showered that morning, but you felt disgusting. Only after your skin turned red from the hot water did you get out.

By the time you finished your shower, Tim had made the both of you some soup. You laughed slightly but thanked him, nonetheless.

And soon, you were both sitting down on the couch to finish the video from earlier.

"Thank you," You finished your soup a while ago. Just sat in silence as the television ran. "For everything."

"I meant what I said." You turned to look at Tim, but his eyes were glued ahead. "I won't let anyone hurt you." You stared at him for a bit before turning back to watch. When the show ended, Tim stood up to leave, you grabbed the back of his jacket.

"Can you stay? Just for the night." You were embarrassed but you'd be damned if you were going to be able to sleep tonight alone.

Tim nodded, smiling slightly at you. He grabbed your hand and held it, dragging his thumb over your knuckles. "Let's get you to bed." You yawned at the thought of sleep but stood up to walk to your bed, not letting go of Tim's hand.

Only when you climbed into bed did you let go. You watched as Tim stood awkwardly before looking at you and then at the couch. Without saying a word, you scooted over to make room for him, hitting the spot next to you.

He hesitated but eventually took his jacket and shoes off and climbed in next to you, immediately pulling you closer to him.

Your chest burned as he rested his chin on the top of your head.

If things had gone differently earlier that night, maybe you would have laughed and joked that you didn't take Tim as a cuddlier, but right now, you used the contact as a lifeline. Shaking with fear that if you let go, you'd be back at the gas station.

"You're safe. I'm here." Tim whispered, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest.

If Tim is here and says you're safe. Then damn, you might just have to believe him.

I wrote this in a little over an hour :> I'm in love.

Drink some water and get some sleep <3

how did this happen. . ?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें