35:A Monster Spirit Ahead

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Meng Liangjun was lost in thought, his eyes dull and blank. Upon seeing Li Nianfan, he snapped out of it and said politely, “Greetings to Mr. Li.”

“What’re you doing here?” Li Nianfan frowned and asked in a rather annoyed tone.

This scholar was delirious, and appearing in front of Li Nianfan’s door this early almost scared him.

“I was captivated by your couplet. Sorry to have scared you. It’s all my fault,” Meng Liangjun said politely as he bowed to Li Nianfan.

‘Whatever. I shouldn’t be mad at this spaced-out scholar,’ Li Nianfan thought to himself. He then asked, “Let it go. What’re you doing here?”

Meng Liangjun said, “Since the day I listened to your teachings, I’ve started observing the essence of everything. From an ant on the ground to the life of a person. Even the cycle of days and nights. Indeed, I’ve learned a lot and realized the many mysterious changes between the sky and the ground. However, I still have one question that I don’t understand. That’s what brought me here.”

This scholar seemed more realistic now. Was he turning into a philosopher?

“What’s your question?” Li Nianfan asked. He wanted to get rid of the scholar as soon as possible.

Meng Liangjun looked at the couplet with a humble look, “Mr. Li, you’ve already answered my question and I understand now.”

“You understand?” LI Nianfan rolled his eyes. This scholar’s brain was wired so differently from the others.

Meng Junliang answered politely, “I was fortunate to have understood some of Mr. Li’s teachings.”

“Whatever.” Li Nianfan closed the door. As long as he could not see him, he felt less annoyed. This scholar was too weird, he had to stay away from him.

Meng Liangjun continued sitting on the stone stool, staring at the couplet blankly as his body seemed rather vague within the mists and clouds.

In the past month, he had witnessed many births and deaths. Regardless if it was plants, animals, or humans, he observed them closely and realized many things. The more he learned, the more questions he had. He even started doubting his ideas.

Could ordinary men truly achieve longevity?

He intended to ask Li Nianfan about the insights of longevity. However, when he laid eyes on the couplet by his door, he felt as if he was struck by lightning and that he could not take another step closer.

‘I Came From The Mortal Realm, Seeking For Longevity.’

‘Was this not written just for me? What an expert he is. He must’ve realized I’d ask him at some point, so he wrote the answer on his door waiting for my visit.’

The eight words were simple, yet it contained the realm of longevity. Meng Liangjun felt as if he had been woken up abruptly. Unknowing of the passing of time, he sat there from dawn to noon. Even when the burning sun was right above him, he remained unmoving with his gaze transfixed on the couplet. Sometimes he seemed to have understood, and sometimes he seemed confused. His thin, long gown sank at his sides, while the occasional breeze blew the ribbon in his hair astray.

In the afternoon, the Holy Emperor and Luo Shiyu flew over to the four-part architecture in a rush. They had not slept for a night and finally managed to compile all the elixirs in the Immortal Dynasty to bring to the expert right away.

Meanwhile, the Holy Emperor’s expression changed slightly. He said with a serious tone, “It’s bad. There are Monster Spirits ahead.”

Luo Shiyu looked serious. She asked worriedly, “Dad, which way are they heading to?”

“It seems that they’re heading in the direction of the expert’s house. It seems to be two Monster Kings, and they’re quite strong.” The Holy Emperor looked disturbed. His voice turned hoarse as he said in a panic, “Damn it. If they disturb the expert, it’d be bad for all of us! We need to stop the monsters!”

The Holy Emperor and Luo Shiyu fastened their pace and rushed toward the mountain. The Monster King was equivalent to a human cultivator in the Yuan Ying realm. To the Holy Emperor, they were nothing, but if they disturbed the expert from living in peace and he left due to this, the Holy Emperor would be depressed!

It was his mistake for leaving the area unguarded. The expert must have blamed him! The Holy Emperor was angered by this thought and was ready to kill these two Monster Kings!

Meanwhile, the two monsters had made it to the middle of the mountain. One of them had the head of a cow and the other had the head of a wolf. They were both staring at the four-part architecture not far away from them.

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