"Let her go, Jolene," Elias demands, his booming tone sending shivers down my spine.

The fairy doesn't so much as blink, just continues her leisurely stroll. "She has something that is mine, and I want it back."

"That's the same shit she said yesterday when she cornered me after the dress fitting! Remember?" I say, swinging my head around toward where Elias is standing. "I still don't know what the fuck she's talking about!"

His eyebrows dip and an expression I can't quite read passes his face for a split second before it's gone. "Jolene, I don't think you are understanding me. Let. Her. Go. Or face the fucking consequences."

The laugh Jolene releases from her throat is diabolical at best. It's straight up evil at worst. "Oh no, vampire. If you don't do what I say, the consequences will be yours to face." She shrugs her shoulders. "Well, they'll be hers, actually. You'll just suffer them too."

With no warning, I'm thrown against the back wall of the invisible bubble she has me trapped in, and I bounce off of it with a sickening thud, falling to the hard ground with absolutely zero grace. "Fuck," I whimper, placing my palms on the dirt and hauling myself up, my body screaming in protest from the pain of the impact.

Elias falls silent, concern written all over his face. He waits until I'm steady on my feet before looking away. "What do you want?"

"Your brother."

"You're sorely mistaken if you think I give a shit about my brother."

"Perhaps," she says, twirling a lavender curl around her finger. "But he is part of the answer to freeing your little dreamwalker. Bring him to me."

The night goes deathly silent. I can practically hear the gears turning in Elias's head as he searches for a way around her demand. I also know when they come to a screeching halt and defeat settles in.

He steps to the barrier and places his palm where mine rests. "I'll get you out of here. I promise."

I nod. "I know you will. Please, be careful." I lean closer, knowing she can probably hear me anyway, but needing to get this out. "Cane...he was here. When you and I were..." I widen my eyes. "I saw him. And he was holding my veil. I don't know what it means, if anything, but in my dream the night before last, I—"

"Your dream," he says, and it's a statement, but a loaded one. One that leaves me feeling a little confused.

"Yes. The one I told you about. The one with both you and Cane...he seemed sure that he has some kind of claim on me. Just be careful."

"Cordelia, I—"

"Tick tock, vampire," Jolene says, tapping her wrist. "The sun will rise soon, and we all know you have a little aversion to the sunlight. Get a move on."

His face scrunches with what reminds me of the pain found in regret before he pushes away from my prison. Jolene and I watch him disappear on his quest before she turns back to me.

"You got yourself all tangled up in quite the mess with those two, didn't you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm only involved with Elias."

Jolene clasps her hands behind her back and paces in front of me. "I almost thought the same thing. In fact, I thought your sweet Elias was Cane at first. That is until Lorelai gave me the entire story of the Dagon brothers drama. Talk about a girl who loves to talk even when she should be busy with her mouth between my legs."

My stomach turns as I realize Jolene doesn't actually care for Lorelai. Whatever her sick game is, Elias's best friend was used as a pawn in it. Despite the despicable way Jolene has obtained her information, I'm curious as to what she thinks she has learned.

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