"Moony said he was gonna say hi to... But I don't see him." Sun said as he looked around the daycare, putting a finger to his chin. "He might still be sleeping!" He turned back to me and smiled. "No worries!! He'll just miss out on your reaction." Sun shrugged.

"What?" My reaction? To what?

"We're gonna go out, all the three of us!! I wanna close up the daycare early so me and moony can treat you to something, we could just go to the mall, go see a movie, whatever you'd like to do!" Sun explained with excitement sparkling in his eyes.

Close up early? Are we even allowed to do that?

"Sunny are we allowed to close up early?" I finally ask after a silent moment of processing. Sun's expression dropped.

"Uhh.. Hah- of- of course!" Sun


"I'm sure I can convince ms. Vanessa to let us close early!" Sun said with confidence.

"sassy ponytail bitch? Doubtful."

Me and sun both turned to face moon.

"mmmm.. Okay, one, you finally made it! Two, don't call Vanessa such names! It's rude. Three, language!!"

"Sun I've never followed that rule. You think I'm gonna follow it now?" Moon raised a brow.

These two are going to start arguing and there's no stopping it until one of them gives in, and good Lord they are not the type to give up.

"How about we don't argue and instead we set up the daycare before the kids get here, yeah?" I suggested, the two glared at each other before going their seperate ways and doing... Well, whatever the hell they're doing.

(Suns probably making a emotional support puppet)

--- time skip to the end of the day because I feel like no ones gonna wanna read me just writing about them working. . .

"I told you I'd get Vanessa to let us close up early." Sun commented proudly.

"You told her we're working on planning for a 'grand show'" moon airqouted. "I thought lying was bad?"

"Okay well- we'll just put on a puppet show! That's good enough for the title grand." Sun crossed his arms.

"Sure, buddy."

As we walked towards Moon's car, Moon pulled out his keys and unlocked the doors. Sun hopped into the front passenger seat, while I climbed into the back. Moon started the engine, and the car roared to life. He adjusted the mirrors and turned on some music, and they were off.

Moon had a great taste in music.
(Rises the moon, cherry wine by hoizer, ect)

The drive to the mall was smooth, and the roads were relatively empty. Moon expertly maneuvered the car through the streets, and we arrived at our destination in no time. The mall wasn't as busy with people as expected. Moon found a parking spot, and we all got out of the car.

"Figured some time here and then hit the movies" moon suggested as we walked through the mall doors and inside.

"I think that sounds great!!" Sun replied with a cheerful tone, as usual.

Moon, Sun, and I were strolling through the mall, chatting and laughing as we went.

As we were passing by a photo booth, I spotted it and immediately dragged Moon and Sun into it. Moon protested at first, saying that he didn't like taking pictures, but I managed to
persuade him.

Sun and moon gave each other a matching mischievous look

The third picture was about to shoot when I felt two kisses be placed on either side of my face.

Our starbeam! [!!human!! sun/moon x gn y/n] [OLD/FIRST BOOK]Where stories live. Discover now