Chapter 18: Ain't No Club Like Fight Club: Part 2

Start from the beginning

[He points down the hallway to his left.]

Asher: Eeny,–

[He points down the hallway in front of him.]

Asher: Meeny,–

[He points down the hallway to his right.]

Asher: Miny,–

[He points down the hallway to his left again.]

Asher: This way.

*Distant Boom*

*Multiple Faint Gunshots*

[Another explosion followed by more faint gunshots can be heard all around Asher.]

Asher: Quickly this way.

[He lowers his hand and begins to run down the hallway leaving the intersection.]

Asher: Alright! Let's see if I can get out of here unnoticed.

[He continues running, making his way past closed doors that lead into other back rooms with unknown purpose.]

*Distant Boom*

[Another distant boom shakes the ground. The explosion causes some loose dust and pebbles to shake off the roof and fall to the ground around Asher. He looks up at the ceiling all while running down the hallway.]

Asher: Shit... This place is gonna come crumbling down before I even figure out who's attacking it.

[He looks back down in front of him.]

Asher: I hate running with my tail between my legs but if I don't I'm gonna–

[Asher immediately comes to a full stop. Not that he has much of a choice. The path ahead of him is blocked off by a huge pile of debris. It looks like the ceiling collapsed preventing anyone or anything from getting to the other side. Unfortunately, it seems that some unlucky demons got crushed by the falling concrete. There are at least three bodies belonging to some King's members directly under the rubble with blood pooling around them. Then there are five other bodies mixed in with the rubble, those five seem to be wearing the same kind of clothing as the ones who blew up the wall in the arena earlier. They seem to be as dead as the three previously mentioned King members. Asher stares at the whole mess looking a bit annoyed.]

Asher: Get crushed... Or uhh–

[He looks in front and around the collapsed rubble. A few more corpses are leaning against the walls of the hallway, directly against the rubble, or just lying on the floor. There are about six of them and they don't look to be King's members. More thugs like the ones from before. They seem to be dead, made obvious by the blood on their clothing and on the ground around them, however, it doesn't look like they were crushed by the collapsing ceiling. They appear to have been–]

Asher: Slashed?

[Yes. The six corpses seem to have been cut up or shredded by someone. The bodies all have three large claw marks on them. It seems like one slash was all it took to send them down to the ground dead. One of the corpses seems to have a Part-A & a Part-B to them since it looks like he was ripped in half. Asher looks at the top half of the corpse and then at the bottom half.]

Asher: I wonder which side weighs less? Heh...

[He looks back up at the collapsed hallway directly in front of him. There's a lot of concrete chunks, some smaller rocks, and pieces of bent or broken rebar sticking out of the rubble. It's blocking the hallway entirely.]

Asher: Hmm... Unless I can turn into a worm, I don't think I'll be getting through that.

[He looks to the left side of the hallway, there's nothing there besides one of the slashed-up corpses propped up against the hallway wall and some more rubble. He then turns to his right looking at the right side of the hallway, like the other side there's plenty of rubble stacked up against it but there also seems to be a doorway.]

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